10 Reasons AoE2:DE is so bad

Everything wrong with DE in my opinion

1: Crashes
The only other fully released games that have seen crash so often are the Fallout games and Skyrim. Those games crashes compared to whats supposed to be a simple graphic update to an over 20 year old game crashing is just embarrassing. And to be honest even they don’t crash as often as DE does.

2: Forced to play map pools
It wastes more time for me and the other player when I have to exit the game and queue up again because I don’t want to play a map and I can only ban 4. I don’t care how long it takes to find a game. If I want to ban every single map except for Arena and Arebia I should be able to do that. If I get sick of waiting only then I will open other maps.

3: Changed game mechanics
-Right click attack acting like patrol in HD and attacking closest unit over the unit right clicked on
-1 set of 3 cows with 150 food instead of 2 sets of 2 sheep making getting lamed much more devastating

4: Civ imbalances
All civ updates should be ran through the top 10 players and T90 since he must have watched more games than anyone else in the world. For example viper said he was against Goths dark age buff yet Devs thought they were better than the worlds best player and decided to go head with it

5: Unplayable team games
Due to crashes and ridiculously unbalanced teams: you get 800 elo players in the game game as 1500s.

6: Profanity filter
The filter is extremely annoying and should have an option to turn it off. Also it should filter only swear words not the entire sentence. Its so annoying to waste crucial time typing during the game only to see it censored.

7: Hackers
This one is shocking to me. It’s not as big of an issue as the other ones but it does make me wonder. I don’t remember ever coming across a hacker in HD whats going on with this game that makes it easier to hack?

8: Hidden civs

Hidden civs is really changing how we play this game. People are only playing meta top tier civs and there is no randomness to the game anymore. I used to really enjoy both players going random civ and constantly thinking about a plan during dark age and reacting to my opponents plans. Now its just the meta top tier civs for the map over and over again.

Literally all of this stuff can be fixed. I think the hardest thing to fix is team games since they need players from Voobly and HD to all come to DE so we have enough players to set up team games in time. If everything else is fixed team games can fix itself.


Yeah a dumb person like you has probably never built a game and find it easy to point all the remarks. This game was a best balance between keeping old game content while improving graphics and gameplay.

I really dislike this and was thinking about making a thread about it.
Sometimes I want my knights to just run past other knights to kill an onager that’s 5 meters away and they simply won’t obey.

I was thinking why not just call it ‘The Conquerors’? But I guess that would abbreviate to ‘TC’, which already gets used for ‘Town Centre’.

Do you think that ranked games should also prevent players from picking civilisations, and always use random civs? And if not, why is civilisation choice different from map choice? Surely if you choose your civ, your ranking can be misleading in the same way as it would be if you could choose the map? I could be, say, fantastic with Persians but rubbish with Aztecs, but I don’t have a separate Persians ranking and Aztecs ranking to reflect that.

I mean I don’t necessarily disagree with you - but I’m finding it hard to convince myself that ranked games absolutely must use a random map type when they don’t have to use random civs. Weirdly, several of the people who want to be able to play exclusively on Arabia also seem to want to enforce random civs - which strikes me as similarly contradictory.

Personally, I don’t really understand why some people (apparently a large proportion of the player base) only want to play on Arabia. To me, part of the fun of the game is playing on a random map type and adapting to whatever I end up with. But I also understand that that’s a personal preference, and I wouldn’t want to force that on everyone.

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Differences among maps are generally more important than differences among civs. Aztecs vs Persians is a completely different matchup on Arena than it is on a water map.

There are players who specialize on certain maps. And there civilizations that may benefit a player’s playstyle, such as Archer civs benefiting someone with good Archer micro. But players don’t really “main” civilizations, especially when playing settings that involved a variety of maps, since different civs are better on different maps.

Different people play the game in different ways. One of the appeals of Arabia is that many civilizations are viable and many strategies are viable. That’s why people like using random civs on Arabia: because it’s a well-balanced map and allows many civ-matchups to be played without being heavily one-sided because of the civs.

Variety in maps doesn’t necessarily lend itself to variety in gameplay. In many ways Arabia Huns wars have more variety than you get in map pools with maps such as Alpine Lakes, where there is clearly a “best” civ and not much variety in the number of strategies you can execute.


That is not 10 reasons, it is really 2 reasons.

  • There are bugs.
  • You don’t like many civs.

It’s a bug that was just introduced in the last patch. It’s not an intentional change. I’ll bet next patch right clicking will work correctly again.

Its not a bug that was recently introduced its been here since beta. I believe it was implemented into the game for new players. Since new players usually build up their armies until they have max pop and just throw their armies into each other right clicking a single unit and all your army trying to kill that one guy would mean really awkward looking fights and losing your entire army. I guess they put this into the game without thinking about the community and how this would effect game play.

I already made a post about it here

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Scroll up and look at my 8 reasons why De is so bad

I just hope DE development department hears out the large proportion of the players instead of listening to a random noob that plays 1 or 2 games on a yearly basis then comes to the forums to complain about maps and civs.

It’s us the large proportion that fill the ranked ladder 24/24 scaling from noobs 13+ voobly elo to 2k+ otherwise the tiny clueless proportion find themselves play against bots and quitters on ranked ladder.

Twest you laid down some interesting tangible evidence to why Arabia is most played and preferred but certainly your input as we say here in Morocco “Enters one ear then leaves the other” 111

Seriously? It never acted for me that way before February patch. Also, they clearly stated it was going to be removed.

They did?? Wow thats great news. Can you show me? Its super frustrating. I can’t believe HC3 is gonna be played before its patched.

Well, to be fair it is not a “simple graphics update”. Games are extremely hard to make and have them work flawlessly, especially when trying to make ends meet with a dated engine.

Right there Units attack closest Target over commanded target(@GMEvangelos ’ reply)

I didn’t realize that was a bug since release. It didn’t start for me or a lot of other people until the last patch.

There’s no way that bug would be intentional. There is an attack-move button already in the game. I doubt that the developers thought it would be a great idea to make individual targeting impossible.

@SorryHaah is wrong about this right-click bug being in game since release or beta. It was added to the game in latest patches.

Since first version of the game in 1999 right-click has made units try to find compromise between attacking targeted unit and splitting between nearby units. This behavior might seem a little bit unintuitive, but it is needed in order to keep right-click working properly when ordering units to attack group of enemy units. Units must be able to attack closer units in order for group attack to work without units overprioritizing reaching single targeted enemy unit.

Everyone can test right-click behavior in AOC/HD scenario editor for themselves. Go on, arrange 40 vs 40 melee units battle, select your units, right-click on enemy unit and observe what happens. Similar behavior must happen in DE so that people can continue playing like they are used to.

I even answered to @SorryHaah in that topic, asking him to compare AOC and DE behavior, but he didn’t respond.

Recently a bug was introduced, which causes right-clicked units to not prioritize attacking targeted unit enough, but hopefully their behavior will be returned to AOC/HD behavior in next patch. You can see from that topic, that after the bug introduction suddenly a lot of people started to complain about it.

Before the bug only couple of people complained, but during that time right-click worked similarly to how it works in AOC/HD, so they simply don’t like how right-click has always worked in AOE 2. Tough luck, it is fundamental part of gameplay and should never be changed.


I tried it and posted it in the comments with videos here: Units attack closest Target over commanded target

Long story short no this was not in the game before DE

I responded in that topic.
Current behavior certainly wasn’t in AOC/HD, but I and many other people find, that behavior before latest patches was similar to AOC/HD. You should have done comparison videos at that time to show any differences.


You talked so much to not say anything in the end. So you don’t like the game - no one cares. Let others enjoy it. Go outside, pet a dog, eat some ice cream. Geez

He did raise good points and explained why he also focused on more “trivial” things (like not liking some features)
The most important post imo is:

If you yourself had many issues and knew other people who do as well, you would complain too right?