1595 matchups in 2v2?

Dear flat universe community,
We got a problem, our dear youtuber have forsaken us, team players,
We have no build to respond to cheesing strategy.
I understand it would be a hard job even for Beasty or Lucifron or Blade to make us a deep analysis of 1595 matchups??? Help me with the math if i’m wrong!?
Am I alone with my bro player to need help? on aba + Fr vs Eng² cheese like ten vils tower rush one player, or how to manage mongol harass meanwhile HRE booming, or overrank matchup with conq 3 crushing with shitty civ like Eng + Fr just to flatter their egos.
Or are we legions? Us lowly class 1 -2 -3 main players with no ban maps are needy
we are now 15000th when plat 1 in team rank and it would be a good youtube content even confined on frequent matchups?
Anyone with me?