1v1 Ranked Ladder is broken

No. The lobby is not ranked. Any game where no ELO is exchanged is not a legitimate alternative. What you are suggesting is like telling a poker player he should play fake poker with fake chips for fun instead of gambling real money. It’s not a viable alternative and you know it.

Ever heard about unranked elo? Not visible in the game, but visible at sites like aoe2.net. so there is Elo involved in the lobby.

Easily fixed by just increasing the number of maps (preferably all possible maps) and a pop-up warning you of long waiting times when you ban too many maps (especially if you ban the most popular maps).

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this is so trash i didnt play much since this change but now i basicly hate it i can get arena in like 1/10 games even when i ban other popular maps so i just stop giving a f**k i delete every unit and went -300 elo now i cant lose on arena so its bad anyway basicly i cant have good ranked game


Basicly alt+f4 solution now created smurf isue


Why not using the lobby? You already have free choice of the maps. Having all maps on MM is a terrible idea. It has no benifits at all.

so now i play only arena or i tc drop every game yesterday i won tc drop on islands what a ranked experience

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Because lobby is trash. If u have even half decent elo you might wait to need an hour to find opponent in ±100 elo range. Also the elo display doesn’t work properly here so you basically need to check opponent on aoenet. But even if you do manage to find a game chances are your opponent will have yellow clock or is a smurf. So pls don’t recommend lobby to people that complain about map pool. Tbh not playing the game is a way better solution than playing lobby. Unless there are ranked lobbies this won’t change. You need a critical mass of players and also players taking lobby at least somewhat serious in order for them to work.


Because as mentioned above, I don’t want to play smurfs or wait forever to find a game. Most people play ranked, so there are nowhere near enough players queuing in the lobby.

How many players have played each ranking in the last 28 days:

RM 1v1: 37.356
RM TG: 60.746
Unranked: 181.259

(i ignored EW games)

So there are more unranked players then ranked players.

You kinda describes why the current MM system is better then a lobby like we used to have at Voobly or HD. It was pretty much a terrible experience. The current MM is much better. I do prefer the current MM system over the lobby. if you dont like MM, then you can at least fall back at the old system, which isnt a great system. I totally agree on that.

Most of the players in unranked are 4v4 bf or stuff like that. There are 1v1 games on regular maps like arabia or arena but as I said it’s super low elo. Also you cant compare unranked de lobby and voobly. If you think voobly was like that you didn’t play on voobly or you never tried de lobby (in which case you really shouldn’t recommend people this) or both. Voobly was a working system. De lobby is utter trash. There isn’t even a point trying it unless you scheduled game with friends or whoever.


Misleading figures because a huge chunk of those unranked games are friends playing each other, not complete strangers queuing for a match like on the ranked ladder. And in practice, the waiting time for games is always far longer on the unranked lobby than the ranked ladder, which makes sense when you realise how many of the unranked pool are just friends having private games.

In short positive: I think a ranked lobby would suit you better. Pick your map, play with people who like what you like, get elo. Win

My thoughts on your post though. Feel free to stop reading.

Gonna need to see some data on that one,
Cause I don’t think that’s true.

Lots of people on forums complaining the system we have needs to be improved, does not equal “everyone wants this particular solution” it doesn’t even mean the majority of players are unhappy. This forum is a very small selection of the player base.

Which RTS in the world allows you to pick just one map on the ranked ladder?

See first quote, if you choose this as a defender you first have to prove that it is something the majority want. And it’s on you to prove that, since it’s your claim.

EDIT: also it happens all the time that people make decisions based on a minority. Especially a loud minority. Companies only get feedback from a minority of players, they jus have to assume that feedback is representative, sometimes it’s not.

Nobody/ everyone/ the majority/ your using these terms flippantly but it’s not helping your argument since they’re easily proven wrong.

Actually some people do play unranked, some people are still playing on voobly, some people are happy to play maps they don’t like.

I am happy to play a map I don’t like in a system where I appreciate other people have different wishes than my own. We’re all here to play a game we like and have limited time. Matchmaking takes a lot of users, Mutual respect is good.

I agree here, matchmaking isn’t going to able to cope with everyone’s wishes and desires. It’s a trade off.

I disagree here, current lobby is much worse than bobbly from what I understand. I think we should be encouraging and pushing people to ask for lobby improvements instead of overhauling ranked ladder matchmaking.