3 - Miscellaneous Ideas (Mostly Regarding Existing Civs)

There are no ideas in here that will benefit the game if I’m being honest, except maybe regional monk skins. You’re mixing up historical realism with gameplay, and breaking a lot of stuff in the process.

Totally unnecessary, especially as players are now used to the current forms, there’s not need or real reason to change them.

It really doesn’t matter, and those names don’t sound as cool. Especially cleric, if it had to be renamed, priest is the way to go. And it doesn’t need a rename.

You don’t seem to understand that against a player using monks, heresy is a very helpful tech. It has very little to do with historical stuff, and a lot to do with balance.

I’m not totally opposed to giving it a double ability.

Not needed, and removes the option to use both, or give them distinct roles.


Don’t rename things that don’t need to be. Even if it is historically more accurate, most people don’t care, and it prevents any confusion with the actual Romans.

To my understanding, the term Atheism was used by the Romans to refer to anyone with a different religion. The technically correct term would be Tengrism though.

It wasn’t mounted.

It’s not that abstract, and if you accept that the abstraction is a part of the appeal, why are you trying to ruin that?

You really don’t need to mess around with Tatars or Magyars. Both are decent civs, don’t disrupt the balance when it doesn’t need changes.

It doesn’t need to be replaced. Maybe slightly buffed, but it’s meant to swarm enemies with numbers, and fits into the Malay theme of a lot of weak stuff cheaper.

There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s a strong unit, and it’s fine in the game. Don’t replace it with something broken.


The +2 range is useful, it doesn’t need to be changed. Just make Flaming Camels not linked to it and you’re fine.

No. Just no. The Turks represent both the Seljuks, and the Ottomans. Turks is by far the most intuitive term for them.

It’s better recognized as Vikings, but I’m ok with Norse.

It looks cooler, people like it. Just make a mod if you really care that much. And I just want to point out the irony that you complained about a ton of stuff, yet don’t want the name changed from Berserk to Berserker.

Anyway, please no. Almost none of these are good, either from a balance standpoint, or from giving stuff confusing or pointless renames. It sounds like you should really make a string file mod, and rename everything yourself. Or learn datamodding, and make all of these changes.