A request to the devs: Please switch the Persians to the Central Asian architecture before release of their rework

Here are some more comparison pictures on mosques.


The Central Asian Keep is really close to the Safavid mosque.

It’s likely either something else, or they are just wrong about Itanian buildings looking like Arabic ones. Which given the image, I am leaning towards the latter. Only the image of the building in Tehran looks even close to the Middle Eastern set. The Ahvaz one honestly looks so faded that it could be either.

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I think so too. By “their point is right” I mean the Central Asian set is based on Timurid architecture. As for the Middle Eastern set using various styles from Iran to the Maghreb, I have no idea. Maybe @Gaudio3342 knows more about that.

DLC literally promoted Persians having Central Asian Architecture set only to not give them that


Yep. But Middle Eastern Keep is carbon copy of Umayyd.

Biggest anime betrayal.

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You know growing up with Iranian people, I learned that they disliked being grouped with certain people. My friend was disappointed when he seen the new dlc.


I think the building models already existed in the Rome at War mod.

People said they didn’t. Buildings are different. Maybe not much, but there are still differences. And also now have destruction animation.

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Havent played the mod (mostly because of the super heavy graphics) but the DLC models look much higher quality and diferent from the screenshots I saw

Like honestly the new Chronicles assets make base game look dull. Kinda like how the African architecture used to look out of place because it was way more detailed

Rome at War mostly just reused AoE1DE assets.
Some buildings were modified AoE2DE ones like the Gaul buildings. They did make some new units though but they didn’t look as good as base AoE2DE units.
All of the Chronicles buildings are entirely new same with all the units. All the Chronicles assets look just like the other AoE2DE assets so I assume it was the same team that made them.

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Man, then there’s no excuse for the devs to eventually add a Caucasian architecture set. Perhaps I should continue designing it.


It’s kinda strange that they seemed to have cheeped out on architecture on ever single DLC so far and then suddenly they give us 2 entirely new Architecture sets, including new Dark Age architecture in one DLC that also has new skins for almost all generic units plus new regional units like 14 new campaign exclusive units.
For the same price as Mountain Royals.


My only guess is that its because its a diferent team

And also the new graphics were necesary tbh

And a Caucasian set isn’t? Armenia and Georgia have nothing in common with Italian architecture.

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I don’t what it is with the devs and how they decide on such things.

Like why are the Poles and Bohemians not Central European? Because there are to many Central European civs? They had no issue adding 2 more to Mediterranean plus 3 of 4 Central European civs are not even Central European at all.
Goths would fit better in the Mediterranean set and Vikings and Huns need new sets.
I kinda get why they don’t want to change AoK and AoC civs to much because of nostalgia and so on but why are new civs in the wrong architecture?


Like it or not (I dont like it either, med architecture is so overused) is not the same level of bad to have Spartans using trebuchets or medieval knights and cav archers. Its a diferent, separate setting

But Huns using Knights and Trebuchets while having Central European stone buildings is fine?

I’m happy that the Spartans look cool, I just wish the base AoE2 civs would be more accurate and less Western European looking.

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Its the same medieval setting

Like the Huns are meant to be playrd with the other civs who did use all these things

Personally, I hate extremely detailed architecture sets, because they hurt my eyes and cause visual clutter. Probably part of the reason that the European sets are my favorite. However, I do like the Feudal Age African set, as it makes me think of some remote village somewhere and its people gathering water, selling fruit, or chatting. Basically, any set that causes me to yearn for greener pastures gets a thumbs up.