No. You posted part 53 as part 52, and missed Pablo Escobar one.
Part 55.
Sub reddit mods didn’t approve my part 54. Or maybe they can’t see my post as my account is shadow banned.
Ok devs, I think it’s time to make the change in the next update, everyone’s clearly sick of this now.
They prefer to reply to clearly troll threads.
That’s kind of ridiculous. Perhaps we can tag them and ask…
If there is something that will not arrive, it is the architecture of Central Asia for the Persians…and the Baltic DLC of the 3 DE…
Should I post this or what?
Considering this place has become a digital wailing wall please allow me to add my own lamentation:
I beseech thee, all mighty God, save Armenia from these intolerable inequities, let historical authenticity prevail, make her the cavalry and siege civ which she was always meant to be, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Your prayers are appropriate, as it would take a miracle for the Armenians to be changed for improved historical accuracy.
I think at this point a thread like digital wall of community prayers could also be done.
So I can also remark: A request for the devs: fix the Italian names, History descrition & Galeazza
I think the next DLC and the corresponding update will be a chance to push the change of architecture for Persians.
Shouldn’t Pelosi be the devs, or am I misunderstanding the meme?
I might be a bit late to the party, but isnt the Mediterranean set actually persian in origin?
Iirc, most of the medivial architecture in the middle east during the game timeline was descended from the ancient Iranian empires that built it in the first place.
As far as I know the, the central asian style is more foreign to the Persians since it became more common after the turkification of Iran in later times.
The current set looks alot like what the pictures show the Achaemenids had.
The Turks persianized themselves, not the other way around.
The current middle eastern set is also very heavily influenced by Persia siince from what I understand is mostly based in the Abbassids
Also if you look at the achrmenid architecture in Chronicles you can see how it shares a lot with Central Asia
Don’t know her name or any context. I’m refusing Middle Eastern Architecture for Persians. So I’m tearing up the picture.
I think he’s tearing up the rework the devs gave because the architecture isn’t changed.
Maybe because they didn’t want to retexture their wonder, but central asian architecture don’t fit that wonder.
There’s actually a bigger problem:
Central asian architecture doesn’t fit the timeline.
The Persians in-game were originally Sasanid, at least that’s what the battle elephant and wonder (up to 6th century) suggest.
Why the devs reworked Persian and even gave them Sassanid Sawar, but then introduced the gunpowder citadel and campaign around Ismail 1 I can’t tell. I don’t have a solution to the problem either
Achamedian set from chronicles is a little too antique (lack of domes and arches)…
Sassanid architecture set doesn’t exist ingame yet:
Oriental architecture set fits the arabic period of eg Harun al-Rashid but ingame it’s the Saracens.
Central Asian architecture would fit the Timurid Empire but ingame those are represented by Tatars.