About the new Peruvian Revolt

Yes, but it was not Peru. focusing the civ in the incan past, is like making a revolt for sweden to the danes or russia to poland: territory overlapped, but they were not the same entity, and they did not have the same sensibilities, core army nor values. Look for example to the mexican revolution,one that you could argue shares a lot of similarities in its history with Peru (Aztec / Incan empire, both centers of colonian power in their sphere of influence, independence struggle):

It has a grand total of ONE native card that allows training of Zapotec, Maya, Navajo and Apache. Besides that, all other cards relate either to their colonial or independent history, they don’t have a card called Moctezuma that gives you full Aztec units and that is explained by pointing that the Aztec empire was within the borders of Mexico.

Look at the Argentinian deck:

All their cards relate to their colonial and independent period, even the addition of Trattorias, Lombards and the Lil Bombard, which reflect their italian influence, and the addition of Spanish musketeers, that could also work with the peruvian rev.

Brazil deck has only three native cards, all the other ones relate to them and not to the people that lived in the same area before the concept of Brazil even existed. Whats more, their Akkan allies also represent the forced movement of african people to the americas, a phenomenon entirely colonial but by no means unique to them, as Peru could also benefit from african and even asian allies, as their infliuence is very heavily marked in our identity as a nation (remember how Argentina also pays homage to their italian heritage?):

In my suggestion, the Peru rev would be able to ally with the quechua, and even get access to some inca cards after sending the correspondent shipment, so its done in a way that actually pays homage to the country’s history, unlike what we have right now, having a single stronghold as the only fortress of the peruvians (meme much?).

Canda is also very tastefully done:

Four shipments relating to native units without overwhelming the revolt with them, and Hudson Bay company, that works like the native North American Trade shipment from the Hauds, but with its own Canadian flavour. Besides that, the civ has a distinct Canadian feel, they even receive a General and a unique Musketeer with its fort.

Meanwhile, Peru is just stuck to the past, its identity being almost completely lifted up from the Incas:

Its clear that this revolt didn’t had the same care, thought or research as the other ones. it has NINE Inca cards, most of which relate to events that happened in Incan history, not peruvian (like Manco Inca, who died so the concept of Peru wouldn’t even exist). Mexican Insurgentes???. Even of the new “peruvian cards”, Lima, that gives you the Cathedrals, ship them with the mexican Dia de Muertos technology, a stapple of mexican culture that has La Catrina as an icon and that heavily derives from precolumbian mesoamerican cultures (incas were not mesoamerican). The other only two peruvian cards, the peruvian Legion and Cusco, are fine and good, but by no means are enough to represent the peruvian culture as the others represent their own cultures.