Age of empires 4 hiding

How many of you are going to use the hell out of the hiding in woods and bushes feature? im both excited and scared!


Well same “feature” was implemented in DOW3 and guest what…
Devs mentioned they took that feature inspired by MOBA league of legends go figure!


And there was such an opportunity in WarCraft 3, Battle for Midde-Eart and Company of Heroes, you don’t say something about them, but you mentioned DoW 3 and MOBA games that are generally out of place here, since there are no heroes in the game with levels and abilities, which already suggests that this is an empty comment.
There is no need to engage in provocations and substitution of concepts.


Depends if there are any mechanics behind it and whether it has any meaningful impact.

As an example, in Ancestors Legacy, units hiding in foliage and bushes are naturally concealed reducing the chances of your own units being spotted, and offers both buffs to your charging units when they emerge and debuffs to enemy units caught by them.

It might be useful for archer-type units but without any extra details, it might be a little-utilised feature.


Starcraft 2 also has this. Though they seem to be fairly rarely used in maps nowadays since most people don’t even know they exist.

They were promoted quite a bit during the original Wings of Liberty.


To be truthful my hype increased in one second by 150% when I saw this feature, this thing confirmed that this game has potential


If there is no flank mechanic like in Ancestors legacy its not that big of a deal.


You say you are just trying to give devs construction criticism but the more you talk, the more you make it sound like you hate everything about the age franchise


That was a scripted event

O yes, I have been in age IV forums posting because I hate age IV franchise…

I was one of the hundreds posting in DOW3 forums as well, warning relic of the big failure so probably also hate DOW franchise? so m y 3k hours into DOW1 and 1k into DOW2 are pure hate?

I think we were discussing the “hiding bushes” feature from league of legends here and not if I hate the game?



Just because you can hide in bushes in League of Legends doesn’t mean that the concept of a hiding feature itself is from League of Legends.


Everything that you post is a hate comment


That and I saw you can post archers on walls! I’m excited for this game and hopefully the beta comes soon to test it out!


Haven’t played any of those games just excited to see more features in the age series. It’s not for everyone.

Don’t be excited there is no information here … just silence …
Maybe we won’t hear anything new until Gamescom at the end of August.

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Yeah, I don’t let anyone dampen my excitement


1-Many games have that feature already

2-We have not been able to see how to use or how does it work because there is no gameplay

Care not, looks good, I’m happy

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They just announced a beta so hopefully we get picked and can see for ourselves on the 5th

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Did you guys use or see people using this during beta? I didn’t see any videos with that in real game play.

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