Age of Empires: Definitive Edition Beta Extended! - Age of Empires

            <div class="EmbeddedContent"><img src="" class="LeftAlign" /><strong>Age of Empires: Definitive Edition Beta Extended! - Age of Empires</strong>
               <p>Hello again Age fans!! We’ve seen that some of you had issues with the beta not showing up in the Insiders Hub, and been disappointed that you won’t have longer to participate in the beta. Well we were a bit disappointed as well, and we’ve decided that to make up for it we’ll just let … Continued</p>
               <p><a href="">Read the full story here</a></p>
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I’ve been waiting for beta access for months…please let me play :slight_smile:

Please enable Single Player.

Please enable Single Player…

Hi everyone, I can’t play Single Player mode. Please help.

Album Graecum means Dog Dung. Could you please replace the term Greek and Greeks for Hellene and Hellenes?

WOLOLOOO, Thank you !!

YES!!! Thank you!

How do i get into the beta

Hey guys.

played every single AOE since the very first one, would reaaaally like to be able to play the beta, signed up 3 months ago, no invite? why don’t you love me? :’(

I’ve posted for help, but I still can’t get past the sign in pop up. I joined through the insider hub, which opens the store and I click play, but the beta doesn’t see my MS sign in. Everything else MS sees me no problem. I hope the game works when it releases.


Are any invites for the beta still send out? I would love to participate!

I have pre-ordered, but still did not receive a closed beta invitation e-mail.The closed beta not showing up in the Insiders Hub.

why not extend it until release? That way you hook more people and they’ll actually buy it once it closes and everyone is playing the actual game, the next day.

@“Spartan Hoplite” said:
Album Graecum means Dog Dung. Could you please replace the term Greek and Greeks for Hellene and Hellenes?

Stop spamming that.

@“Spartan Hoplite” said:
Album Graecum means Dog Dung. Could you please replace the term Greek and Greeks for Hellene and Hellenes?

Album Graecum may mean Dog Dung but Greek most definitely does NOT mean that. Using the term Greek is fine etymologically speaking because it denotes exactly where the people are actually from. Greece isn’t called Hellene or Hellen or Hellena lol. Hellenes are Greeks. Greeks are Hellenes. They mean the exact same thing and have the exact same meaning. No one’s calling them Album Graecum here. And literally just about everyone on the planet calls them Greeks because that’s who they are and where they’re from. Just go with Greek. It’ll be easier on everyone.

only 2 weeks left woot woot :slight_smile: really wanna give beta a go though :confused: ah well goes to show how much i missed age of empires 1 XD lol

J’ai eu l’invitation pour la beta mais je ne peux y accéder malheureusement :frowning:
C’est pourtant le même compte MSA :confused:

So when are you going to actually fix this game? It’s literally unplayable once you’re iron age+ with pop. Stuttering, unresponsive villagers, unit AI wandering / walking in place endlessly, villagers immediately going to harvest resources after building a TC instead of building another TC/Building right next to it? These are game breaking and inexcusable at this point in the game. I look forward to your copy&paste response.