Guys, stop fighting. You’re not children, so stop acting like ones.
We do not do that at all, It was just a small hiccup. But it suits to you, that now you are acting as a senior teacher…
PS: By the way, who started it again? Not I…
another point for AOE Ultimate:
- Vilagers and soldiers should have a somehow random based look, at least the details: Face, size. They look all the same. Can be improved & improves imergence
x4 resolution files with 32 directions should be a pretty big graphical update.
When do you expect an “Ultimate edition”? In which period?
For me it will not be the case for a longer time from the start of nowadays. It have to be come several much more good DLC content, until we come to such a point.
I think in terms of time, this should not happen before 2026 or 2027.
The HD (High Definition) edition came out in 2013 and the DE (Definitive Edition) in 2019 nearly 2020.
So then we are on a good way in 2026 or 2027 with a UE (Ultimate Edition), which corresponds an uniform 6 to 8 year rhythm of all Special editions.
fine for me! thank you
You might be one of the few. It might not be a game appealing to kids who like to see colorful things and enjoy graphics the most. Its a strategy game. Gen Z or Alpha or Beta, the kids who have some patience to learn and like rts, medieval history are going to play. The rest won’t.
None of these matter. Lets say you do all of this. A few kids might play for some time to enjoy the visuals and warfare. Very soon they’ll move away to the next high graphics game. The core mechanics is the one that retains players long time.
If you want to do a different edition, things that can be useful are:
- Ability to rejoin a game after getting disconnected (like maybe an advanced personalized AI plays until then)
- Advanced tutorials to not just teach the basic but more stuff that’s useful for ranked games. Maybe AI vs AI demonstration.
- Multiplayer (not just co-op) campaigns with appropriate balance.
- Water changes - more water buildings, units, amphibious units.
- Additional game modes - like how 9 vill start was an innovation that came in 2022.
we need this shit so bad lmao
from either desync, crash or computer bsod, or internet drop etc. give players 5-10 mins to reconnect. game doesn’t even have to be paused for the casual lobbies but just having ways to reconnect and play till finish is good
Out of that, only a major water rework would need a new version of the game, and only to avoid rocking the boat too much on that one…
I’m glad that I’m part of that group. I’m even considering becoming a historian.
Just copy and paste AOE2DE on steam with AOE2 Ultimate name and sell it for 70 dollars. Keep updating both games. Profit.
Maybe something even better: Ultimate Edition with Guns. The three characters on game’s cover will be the a Janissary, a Conquistador and a Houfnice
Coming in 2050:
Age of Empires II: Elite Heavy Imperial Siege Gourmet Nuclear-Powered Intergalactic AI Girlfriend Minecraft Crossover Enhanced Transhumanist Time Travel Ultimate Superlative Final Infinity Edition VII (now featuring Central Asian Architecture for Persians)
Oooooo, tell me more…
Best to drop the “AI” part tho.
(No domo arigato, Ms. Roboto)
Im not sure 26 years are enough to add PErsians to CA Architecture (⊙_⊙;)
No Ultimate edition needed or desired here. Just keep working on the Definitive version. Cosmetic DLC would be nice to add more environmental interests and effects
Very difficult to add that level of detail to faces with such a limited number of pixels to work with. Zoom in on a villagers face in CaptureAge and you’ll see what I mean. Size wise you could make some villagers bigger than others, but I think the vast majority of people are happy with just the default men and women. Easy to read, easy to see exactly what they are at a glance with no confusion. Differences in size may even affect hit boxes and such. Fat villagers theoretically would walk slower and get tired more easily. Short skinny villagers would be weaker etc. It’s just too much extra work for very little return (very little interest from the community and very few players who would pay for it). So much more improvement needed before devs think about aesthetic changes (if at all).
If this is implemented like in stronghold the units on top should also get individual damage and enemy units should be able to target them individually same as stronghold.
The attires could be coloured differently or horses could be different coloured.
Also, player colors should be replaced by player flags (and bi-color system), so it would be easier to distinguish (grey and dark blue is not distinguishable today).
Also each player would have a singnature flag with two colors, which can be seen on buildings and units and flags in the game