Age of Empires (Microsoft Store version) doesn't start


Two friends tried to download the Microsoft store version of Age of Empires IV recently, but both of them couldn’t start the download
When they try to start it, just nothing happens. Just in the Xbox app appears the error code 0x00000001, which isn’t helpful because there aren’t information in the internet.

After one of them purchased the steam version it worked well.
For me and some other friends playing the steam version there wasn’t a problem.

Of course we tried to fix it before posting it here, so here’s what we already tried:

  • Launch the xbox app (and the microsoft store) in admin mode

  • updated NVIDIA driver (both cases)

  • install the latest C++ visual studio drivers

Also we tried to fix it with help of the following article which I found in another Topic here in the forums.

It would be grateful if anyone could help us with our problem because I want to play some matches against and with them :frowning: