Age of Hype: Campaign Focused - An (actual 9 page) open letter about V&V

which is?

they advertised this as “campaign focussed DLC”, the DLC doesn’t contain any campaigns. Additionally compared to previous DLCs it’s an absurd increase in price




and it is a campaign focussed DLC. Historicel Battle are in the Campaign Tab. so ther are listet as Campaign in game.
also the wording is campaign focussed DLC with can be readed as Singelplayer only dlc. (what i have)
and In the Video they have say very clear what this dlc is and what came with it. It is allso very clear one the Steam Page.

So i find it stupid to claim thats they have lied or make false advertising.
yeah the wording of announcement of the announcement could be clearer, but that is.

and the pricing of the dlc is a other topic. same people find the price fair same not. For me i valued campaign over civ so get more with this dlc than with the other.


I discuss this in the letter. UI is meant for navigation. not taxonomy. If things in the campaign menu are campaigns and things not in the campaign menu aren’t, then the art of war is only a campaign when navigated through the campaign menu.

Any definition of campaign that gives rise to a “schroedingers” campaign by virtue of how it was navigated to seems to be lacking something.


Ok, what’s the whole story, then? What are we missing? As far as I know, Microsoft promised a campaign DLC, delivered one with random historical battles instead (not campaigns), and 75% of these levels were custom scenarios anyone could download and play for free.

From my limited point of view, those are the hard facts. Is there something else? Something that paints Microsoft in a better light?


you have all the right to be mad about the content of the DLC and thats is not the thing you want.

thats not why i have writen what i have.
but the thing i have read in this forum like false advertising and that the dev are lieing about the dlc are absolute false
under campaing ##### (focussed) dlc you can understand differents things like more oft he standart 5-6 Missoin campain ore like i have written a complett singelplayer dlc. What it is.

it not about defending the content of the DLC or the Decisions World egde Make. it’s all about the false accusations that are portrayed here as the absolute truth.


I was missing a lot of the story because OP left out details. I don’t know what the whole story is, I just know the OP initially presented a very limited view, imo. I presented some missed details I had to uncover myself and presented possible other angles they maybe hadn’t considered (and definitely didn’t volunteer). They replied. I don’t know what else you want from me. You’re clearly not missing anything, you know the whole story, and made up your mind. I have no other thoughts on the matter, and you know as well as I that even if I did, you’d have a quick retort :slight_smile: These threads have inspired me to reward the devs with their hard work and to help fuel future AoE updates… I think I’ll now get the DLC.

@CitingOregano34 maybe you missed this response from @Darkness01101

yes, @Darkness01101 didn’t have the whole story at one point, so he asked questions.

I know I personally dunked on him on another thread for defending MS, but I apologized for my reaction. Seems like just a guy who’s not 100% automatically convinced that someone else who’s angry on the internet isn’t over-reacting.

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Yep, I think we’re on the same page. I know others will find text snippets here and there and wonder because now they don’t know the whole story of our discussions :wink:

Full disclosure, I’ve changed the name of the topic and the letter, from “Age of Lies” to “Age of Hype”

Accordingly, I’ve basically watered down the verbiage in the letter.

I haven’t revised my opinions, I think they knew what they were doing, but I’d rather not get sued, or threatened to be sued for libel if this blows up. MS has a legion of lawyers and I’m a rando on the internet. Not a level playing field so I’m hedging my bet.

That is the primary reason I made this change. It might also help some content creators get on board, but that was very secondary.

If you feel this no longer fulfills the original promise, or otherwise have doubts, I understand.

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I also added about a page worth of additional content explaining the mis-hyping of the reveals for the other games.

After my discussion with @Darkness01101 last night, I felt it was really important, but didn’t want to be speaking for other communities. I believe I’ve found a way to include that information without speaking to how they feel about it or how it’s affected them.

Hey, Quasibrodo, I’m sorry you felt you had to do all that because of my words. I know it’s weird of me to say after all the questions I raised, but I love it when people feel strongly about something and they can speak their mind :muscle: , so it makes me a little sad that I played a role in causing worry or an outward dulling of your heartfelt convictions on this… not to mention the extra work and time in replying to me AND writing another page in the document, etc.

I highly doubt they would go after you, especially since this issue/concern was born from words they shared in advertising/marketing. (And many people obviously agree with you!) So I wouldn’t worry about that too much. But I’m sure they welcome the changes :wink:

As you know, I was mainly just trying to understand the story more and help share some “what if” possible reasons (play devil’s advocate a bit, as they say) because I didn’t know at the time that you already deeply thought about the various possibilities.

  • I realize you probably also didn’t proactively say some of this stuff because you were trying to reduce the amount of text you wrote, to not lose readers or supporters. Totally fair… you can’t write everything. I should have thought of that sooner, since I do the same sometimes. My posts are often lengthy, so I sometimes trim them down… which can lead to gaps showing up in my thought processes.

Thanks for trying to bring a brighter future to AoE and its DLC in your own way! I hope it works out. I mainly want this DLC because I think I’ll like it (I’ve never played the old scenarios) and am curious about it. And it may be a tipping point to help get me to play actual campaigns. I know that doesn’t help your plight at all… but I haven’t bought the last 2 or 3 DLCs because I don’t really want more civs or campaigns (hasn’t been selling points for me)… so I’m due for some new content. (Yes, I know scenarios are akin to just bite-sized chunks of campaigns, but maybe this DLC will make me a campaign lover after this. And maybe that is partly what the devs are actually hoping for by doing this.)

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Maybe I wasn’t clear. After my discussion with you I’d added the additional stuff about how the promises made for AoE3 and AoM were also overhyped, establishing a broader pattern.

You didn’t affect my thinking about libel. That was separate. It had been kicking around in the back of my brain, but now this open letter is starting to feel real, and therefore so to are the potential consequences thereof.

You know, that’s the thing that sucks most about this all. The value proposition might be whack, the ethics of upcycling community content are at the very least unclear, and the marketing around this has been a trainwreck…

But I have every expectation the actual content will be fun. I want to like this. I want to support new AoE2 content, but this debacle was a bridge too far for me.

It’d be soooo easy if this was likely to be a pile of garbage, but it’ll probably be a fun DLC.

Ahhh, I see! Thanks for clarifying

That’s fair! If I get it and it is good, I will try not say anything :wink:

Bethesda Game Studios recently re-implemented a paid mods program but the mods have to be made from scratch to be monetized, or in other words, you can’t take a pre-existing mod that was free and enter it into the program for $$$.

art of war is also in the campaign tab
watching the recording of a ranked battle is single player content

sure, but why don’t we at least get a “oh we are sorry you are disappointed, we view standalone scenarios as campaigns” or ANY other statement from the development team? It seems so obvious to me that they don’t give a shit

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I think it’s good that people are interested in trying out the campaigns thanks to this DLC. However, if you’re really interested in this new content, I invite you to try out the free versions of the scenarios made by Filthydelphia, which are already available on the mods downloader. They are very high quality, and can be quite long, so you’ll be able to sink lots of hours into it.


Age of Conquerors would disagree with your definition of a Campaign, I guess you need to go back and complain to Ensemble too.

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Actually an unsourced sentence on Wikipedia would disagree.

In the open letter we explain in great detail why that definition of “campaign” doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

Furthermore, even if that sentence was sourced, it still doesn’t address the other issues brought up in the open letter. Regardless of what your definition of “campaign” is surely random battles vs the ai aren’t “campaigns” but are “single player” content. So why use the more specific term to tease, then use the less specific term to market after the unveiling?

I emplore you to read the open letter.

Campaign literally means series of connected battles or military operations. These people just nitpick everything to defend the devs mindlessly.

Kyoto is not connected to Manzikert, therefore you can’t call them campaigns.