AI resigning early in nomad random map games

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

:point_down: These details are CRITICAL; DO NOT skip them or your issue may not be reviewed.

  • GAME BUILD: 101.101.56005.0 7694700
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10 on Microsoft Surface Pro

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED


Settings: Single player; any nomad map; Hard AI; no treaty; any civ; random map

Despite choosing no treaty in settings prior to game, the game starts with a 5min treaty and then all opponent AI players resign by late dark age, complaining they’ve built there bases to close to another player for comfort without any kind of battle.

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

:point_down: *How often does the issue occur?

  • 100% of the time / matches I play (ALWAYS)

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

:point_down: List CLEAR and DETAILED STEPS we can take to reproduce the issue ourselves… Be descriptive!

Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:
choose a single player nomad game against AI

:arrow_forward: EXPECTED RESULT

:point_down: What was SUPPOSED to happen if the bug you encountered were not present?

Be able to play a full game

:arrow_forward: IMAGE

:point_down: ALWAYS attach a PICTURE (.jpg, .png, .gif) or VIDEO (.mp4, YouTube link) that highlights the problem.


:arrow_forward: GAME FILES (SAVE / RECORDING)

:point_down: Attach a SAVE GAME (.aoe2spgame) or GAME RECORDING (.aoe2record) of the match where you encountered the issue. Link it below if using an external file service.


Hello, this is luckily already tracked issue, thanks for the report nonetheless.
Have a nice day.

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