An Idea for a future expansion or mod: An Italian Civilization

Given the current state of the game I would prefer that they fix the bugs and the current balance issues the game has before adding any new civs.
And even then, this game was meant to focus on a making each civ different and unique, and is not meant to have that many different civs as it could break the balance of the game.

I don’t want modded civs, preferably have the Italians officially added in any future expansions.


Me too. Beside to Poles and Austrians (or Habsburgs). Potentially, there could also be: Danes and Prussians (the Germans would represent the rest of Germany). It would be nice if they added more revolutionary civilizations, e.g.

  • Greeks

  • Serbs (or why not Yugoslavs)

  • Scots (Morgan Black likes it)

  • Ruthenians (or Cossacks)

  • And more rev civs :sunglasses:

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