An idea that may spice up (or ruin) the ladder scene

the first week of every month we get a unique map pool:

  • map pool with only hybrid maps
  • map pool with only megarandom variations
  • map pool with regicide mode on
  • map pool with only nomad variations (land nomad, steppe,…)
  • map pool with only semi-closed maps (oasis, hideout, enclosed,…)

extreame cases (not recommended)

  • only open maps
  • only closed maps (Arena, Fortress, hill fort,…)
  • only water maps
  • only post-imp maps (Michi, Amazon Tunnel,…)


Agree. and also the empire war mode

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I think it is a good idea, but it would be better as a fixed day per week (like Friday or Sunday), with a rotation of these 9 map types. Then players who do not like a map type only skip one day, and people who really like a map type get it more frequently (at the expense of a shorter duration)


I think is a really bad idea… But, I think giving some motivation to play others maps could be interesting, like a weekly special ladder to some maps and reward the top 10 players on that ladder that resets every week.
Which reward? Idk, more points for each won match, or an special icon, or whatever…

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TBH, the game need seasons
Devs need to commit

This seems like a bad idea to me. Having a week of one specific niche map type seems likely to drive players away, if they don’t happen to like that map type. Much better to have a decent range of different maps available at all times.

Even worse, I think. Suppose someone only has time to play at weekends, for example, and then every Sunday there’s a weird map type they dislike. You’ve just halved their play time.

You mean like a regular ladder reset? But then you’d frequently get players of wildly different skill levels matched against each other.