Analyses of the ratings - Spotting the issues

Player A Player B Player C Player D
Elo 2000 1000 1500 1500
Real Elo 2000 1000 1500 1500
Shown Strength 8.77118932 2.961619375 5.096756246 5.096756246
Real Strength 8.77118932 2.961619375 5.096756246 5.096756246
Current Team Elo 1500 1500
New Team Elo (as it should be) 2267.944155 2138.412146
Winrate vs 1500 elo Team 0.678229285 0.5
Net average elo gain -8.296662885 19.70333711

Team 1 wins with 67.8 % probability vs team 2 but player a loses 8.3 elo on average and player b wins 19.7 elo on average.
And that’s on games where the devs think “these teams are equally matched”.

fyi: the calc assumes that player a loses 30 elo when losing vs team 2 and player b loses 2 elo. That’s how I interpreted the dev’s post. But devs are cryptic.