My Idea for a Vlach Civ concept (after reading this and more in the web):
Vlachs - Defensive Civilisation (Or better active-defensive civ, explanation later)
Civ Bonusses:
Villagers have +20 HP and gain +2/+3 Pierce Armor when reaching Castle/Imperial Age
Villagers are produced at double speed from Castle Age.
Gain +50 G for each completed military Building.
TB: Cavalry units cost -5 food.
UT1: Mass Recruitment: Land military units (except siege) don’t cost wood. (150 F 150 G)
UT2: Peasant Army: Villagers automatically fight back when attacked, Miliia Line and Villagers gain + 8 melee attack (1000 F, 800 G)
Tech Tree:
Blacksmith: Don’t get Blast Furnace, Plate Mail Armor, Leather and Ring Archer Armor
Barracks: Access to everything (except Eagles ofc)
Archery Range: Don’t have access to Elite Skirmisher and Parthian Tactics
Stable: No Camels, Elephants or Steppe lancers. No Paladin.
Monastery: Limited (don’t have thought through this yet)
Siege Workshop: No Siege Ram, Siege Onager
Castle: No Hoardings
Dock: No Shipwright
University: No Architecture, no Fortified Wall, No Siege Engineers.
Access to all Economic Upgrades except Stone Shaft Mining.
Unique Unit
Gospodar: Heavy armored Cavalry with bonus against other Cavalry - 30 F 100 G, 12 S training time
HP: 100 / 120
Atk: 8 / 12
ROF: 1.8
Bonus Damage: +6 / +9 vs Cavalry , +3 / +6 vs Camel
Melee Armor: 4 / 6
Pierce Armor: 3 / 4
Armor Class: Cavalry
Speed: 1.45
The Civ is designed to encourage “active defense” play. Vills are stronger , but the higher production speed in castle leads to a fast, less protected expansion with a lot of hittable areas for the opponents army. To compensate for that the civ has super cheap trash units (after the mass recruitment tech) that scale terrible and a bonus to Military buildings. Also the UU is designed to counter both main lines (but weak against infantry and monks) and has high mobility to support the attacked areas fastly. At the same time it is a quite strong Raiding unit aswell.
As the history of the Vlachs indicates the civ has access to a lot of different units with all kind of different bonusses. The Vlach player has to decide according to the situation what are his best options, as each of his units excels against very specific enemy units but gets destroyed by several others.
In the very lategame the Vlach player can use his Villagers as a nice supplement for his army. But he need to be careful as they still get “countered” by hussars.
The reasons why I chose the specific UTs is because of the Various Battles where the Vlachs very fastly recruited a lot of military and also armed their peasants to fight back intruders. Fppr this reason the civ should be encouraged to place a lot of military buildings to be able to recruit mass army when needed. This I thought can be achieved the easiest way by taking away the wood cost of the units, so the gathered wood can be used to construct the military buildings instead of producing military.