AOE III DEck builder (ON-LINE)

Hmm, some notes on that:

Units doesn’t have counters against Ranged Heavy Infantry and Melee Heavy Infantry, all is Heavy Infantry. “Light Infantry” doesn’t exist (well, actually it’s more complicated) so I would use the filters clearly separating tags with counters and tags related to tech only.

The only exceptions that I would do would be Mercenaries and Siege, because they aren’t usually their main attribute although counters exist for them. Plus Natives and Outlaws for the same reason (although there is no counter tag against those.)

Anyway, it would be possible some kind of function that allows you to modify your own PC files to add decks? There could be some kind of social feature where people share online their deck and build orders, and then by a few clicks you can download it, without building manually the deck in-game. That would be megacooooool

New Release!!

New Feature:

  • Revolt Selector!! - Now you are able to select a revolt and display the revolt deck.


You doing Lord’s work here


Really impressive stuff. Great job


Not even the base game show revolutions on the tech tree, you have surpassed them!


Sir, I know you’ve done a lot, but would you mind adding Mexico and USA’s federal cards?

I think they are important enough to be there, plus they come from home city too.

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Italy and Malta added!!!


You are our Prince Charming. Not even the Wikia is updated yet. :pray:


New Update!!!

Now the unit viewer shows all the abilities/powers of the unit.


Now there’s two new tags related to counters: Light Infantry and Hand infantry

Those always exists, the only difference is that they added an icon for “Skirmisher” = “Light Infantry” tag.

And it is already in the app


The light infantry tag didn’t exist before, it was the name of shock infantry, before being changed in DE.

Some units have bonus against the general Infantry tag and a malus against Hvy Infantry to compensate to make them good against them before the introduction of this tag.

Hand Infantry, on the other side existed before, but there is at least 1 unit with bonus against them. Before it was related to techs only.

Anyway, what means CS and RS?

RS maybe Range Shock infantry

GC = gatling camel

CS has to be a unit that works as skirmisher but it isnt tagged as light infantry, any idea??

Also, what is DM? In the siege attack of AKs

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Just hover on those letters a you will see the full name

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On mobile it doesnt work.

DM = Maltese gun

CS = Counter Skirmisher unit. This means that it has x6.25 vs other skirmishers??

Does the hand infantry tag still apply to melee shock infantry? It doesn’t seem right to group them together with units like pikemen in the counter system.

If they are tagged that, then Mounted Riflemen are going to be doing only 20% damage to a Coyote Runner (even less with range resistance factored in). Really all the multipliers on this unit seem extremely unintuitive.

Any thoughts about adding the new and the modified cards for Lakota?

he will (most likely), but only AFTER the patch is released


I will don’t worry, but I only update the app when the official patch is released


New update!!!

Federal cards added!!!

Coming soon: Update from Lakota patch.