AoE Streamer Showcase

Very helpful, thank you!

I apologize to anyone I may have gotten incorrect information on or missed. At the time @HandSoloh I believe weren’t playing much DE if any at all and still playing AoE on Voobly, I also didn’t know if you would continue playing DE but good to see that you are.

@Nakamura_RTS I wasn’t on your stream for very long at the time as I was hunting for as many players to showcase and came off with the impression that you were still the head of balance for AoM.

Unfortunately, I cannot edit the showcase to add more streamers or make changes to the descriptions. Some other things have changed such as changing his URL to

@yokohamab said:
Great job Epic

I want to introduce japanese AOE players streaming URL, but I got this message “You have to be around for a little while longer before you can post links” ,cound not write URL.

What should i do?
Contribute with discussions.

Hi All.

Just wanted to let everyone know I stream AOE: DE as well. You can find me at

I appreciate your support and views. I answer questions and talk with chat.


Hi Guys, I have played AOE Rise of Rome for many, many years. I’m really excited about Definitive Edition. Just want to let everyone know that I stream on Youtube as well

I also recently made many how to videos:

1) How to Tool Rush
2) How to Bronze Rush
3) How to Iron Rush

There are more videos on AOE Definitive Edition, check it out when you have time.

Catch a game with me anytime. Feel free to add me as friend, username noccster.

Thank you! See you around.

Thanks @rhrmn

Looks great!

I’m twitching as well now :smiley:

Let me introduce our JP clan member’s streaming URL
High level players are streaming. Check it out!

One of the oldest AOE non expansion players here. HEAVEN_Conan, Conan_123, Chibi2Nasty, tons of names i was like 9-10 when I first started playing.

I stream everyday and also host “Learn with a AOE God Fridays” to repopulate the fan base/ and make new players better so that the current community have more Expert players instead of playing 6 min DM games vs n00bs.

My Twitch is ----------
I also broadcast to facebook, mixer and youtube.


Hi everyone, I’m a new streamer.
Please subcribe my chanel:

Hi, Welcome to my channel. I usually play with experts in DM and RM

Hi SoiGia, I have subscribe your channel

Hi !

List of Brazilian streamers
Kali gLg

I play AoE DE and I am uploading many videos on my Youtube channel.
Subscribe and let me know what you think.


you got that right, it does not work at all

hi all. I’am from Vietnamese. My channel is
welcome all.

Hi All, this is wildling from India. Here is the link to my channel (I stream Aoe regularly)


A post was merged into an existing topic: AoE II Streamer Showcase