Hungary was an important nation, already stronger than most of the European civs in the Middle Age. I don’t care about modern nation representation, Europe has nothing to offer compared to Asia, Africa and America.
Exactly. But there are a ton of more important civs in Africa, Asia and America.
So it just so happens that you don’t care about modern nation representation, it just so happens that Hungary was a strong nation (important is subjective, not that important in my opinion; and not that strong either, I’ll get to that later) that happens to be in the game and you are Hungarian, how convenient.
Hungary didn’t do much. They came from Asia in the 7th-10th century, conquered the carpathian basin, expanded outwards to take the shape of the common Hungary we know in medieval times and that’s about it. No more expansion from there.
Hungary was big but wasn’t strong. It lost to HRE many times, turks had a harder time getting through Serbia and Wallachia than Hungary who were much smaller and in general had a slow death since it stopped being migratory people and raiders up until 1920.
If your reason really is Hungary being strong and important, you didn’t pick a good reason.
I wouldn’t have added Burgundy, Sicily, Romans either if it were just up to me. Not to mention bloating the Eastern European set to 6 civs. LOTW was the first expansion to DE and I really wanted them to add new civs and admittedly there wasn’t a DLC focused solely on Europe yet so I was kind of okay with it but I didn’t expect that more than half of the new civs we would get post DE would be just Europe & Friends.
And by the way, the civ representing me exactly in this game isn’t in the game too, so what?
The world doesn’t revolve around Europe, even though you and your Eastern European colleagues do want it make it seem that Europe has 90% of the world population and 80% of the land surface.
The Vlachs you’re so insisting about to be added would be just another Orthodox Eastern European civ with a Cav UU using the Eastern European set. I’d rather remove the Dracula campaign than get another DLC which bloats the Eastern European set to the same level or beyond what the Mediterranean set is.
There’s literally no single Euro set which is below 4 civs right now. Not to mention that there’s already 4 architecture sets for such a small region on the globe.
The Ottomans had more with the Hungarians. Hungary was not fully conquered while Serbia and Wallachia were. This is a fact based on maps.
In the High Middle Ages the Kingdom of Hungary was the 5th most populated country in Europe, also not many countries were bigger than Hungary. Only the HRE, France, Eastern Romans, Rus and Lithuania. It is funny how you whine weekly about Vlachs while Hungarians were 4 times bigger. Hungarians expanded to Czechia, Austria, Wallachia, Moldavia, Galycia, Serbia and Bosnia in the Middle Ages, Vlachs expanded to nowhere.
According to Wikipedia, Hungary won against HRE 15 battles, and lost 5
Did I already say how enormous is the white area outside nowadays-Europe? Just to be sure: the whole point is to show off how much the game is starving for civs outside nowadays-Europe.
If the dlcs are following the same pattern europe wil get one or two dlc’s.Vikings and romans still dont have a campaign so a campaign for them and 2 more civis in the same geographical area which could have showed up in a current scenario is most likely.
Another issue is the difference between Empire and civilisation.
Bohemia was part of the HRE, Bulgaria was part of the Ottoman Empire or Persia was part of the Arab Califate but they are still their own people with their own culture.
Just because some Empire occupies an area doesn’t mean it can represent that well.
I suspect the Wallachians or rather Vlachs with Vlad Draculea as a hero, since this civ is not yet represented, but already has a campaign. The logic of this game is sometimes strange…
Problem with adding that civilization is then slavs magyars and turks all will need campaigns.If the campaign limit per dlc is three it exceeds that amount.
Also vikings and romanians live in different parts of europe so might not really fit thematically.Romanians and another balkan civi like serbia fits nicely together.
Fully agree with that. East Asia is still relatively unoccupied in the game, both in terms of campaigns and civs. There is a need for action here.
If you follow the previous logic of the game of adding civs, that are based on the highly developed technical progress of the pre industrial era, as is the case with many civs in the Eurasian and Oriental regions, the Chinese should split in any case to several civs. Suitable are Xiang, Yue, Min and Wu next to the standard Chinese civ. The current order of leading the Chinese as a pure umbrella civ, does not fit into the whole picture. I therefore hope that the jump to East Asia will be made in the foreseeable future or even with the next DLC. Now we should hope for a huge “EAST ASIAN DLC”.
I would also like to have at least 2 more civs from the Indian region in the game, as the Dynasties of India DLC did not go far enough for me, it is sufficient but not good.
The Dravidians should be split at least once more, as has already been suggested here several times. Kannada, Telugu or Tamil are suitable candidates. Whereby the Dravidians can be renamed to Tamils.
The other civ should come from the muslim region of northwest India, I think at the Delhi region. This was also suggested in one of the mods concerning the Indians for Age of Empires DE.
I also agree, but campaigns do not exclude packages, individual civs that can still be included in the game.