AoE4 is less interesting than AoE2 because its units lack ‘coolness’ and ‘personality’

I do not know what Hasanichess is trying to say, but since this thread has been brought back up;

The Streltsy in their actual campaign video are really interesting, and even look hella rad.

In game however, they look rather pathetic, with a broken animation for their reloading (the axe is suppoused to touch the floor). Sometimes the gun and axe get stuck together weirdly.

Another example is the Arbaletrier. Somehow the pixelated genose crossbowman in AoE2 are cooler–probably because they actually carry their shields on their back, making them actually look different to regular crossbowmen (seriously, how hard is this to implement? it isn’t).

And I do feel similarly about many of the units in AoE4. Unique units kind of look uninspiring. Plain, almost. In AoE2, there are a lot of units so it may be unfair, since most of them are not amazing. But, there is something to be said about those units feeling cooler despite being identical to a lot of already existing units.

Sometimes it had to do with mechanics as well. Varied mechanics like Kipchak shooting multiple arrows, the konnik that dismounts and keeps on fighting, chakram throwers with a projectile that hits multiple targets, Karambit warrior taking half a pop, the korean War Wagon!!! Ballista Elephants, the Organ gun actually being cool and useful.

Even basic units like the Scorpion. Does anyone else miss fun siege units? Only one I can think off is the NoB.

It just feels uninspiring. Too conservative.