TBH the impressiveness of this is really off.
There’s no music, which I assume is a bug
The voice lines of Gaia and Kastor are pretty terrible and don’t have any synergy.
I am going to assume that the only reason one might play this is as a co-op.
I thought the VO was pretty good here.
They are pretty cheesy, there’s weird gaps between them, the whole thing feels very off and low quality.
Is it possible to have an alternative where the power only affects the player and their allies?
In co-op games it was pretty cool to coordinate with the Ra player to make farms quickly and get the bonus properly.
Now it is just like Isis God Power but with Food from Farms instead. I like that it doesn’t effect enemies but maybe they could of had it effect allies at a lower rate?
Allies ? No bro that would be devastating for enemy player LOL
There is no balance if you do that.
The first “problem” is that Gaia speaks somehow slowly.
The second “problem” is that there is a big pause between their dialogue,conversation needs to go faster.
The third “problem” is that there is no “speaking animation”,mouth moving.
The fourth “problem” is that you can pass every “mission” without unfreezing units.
But i dont have problem with this,i know this is not perfect but I appreciate their work !
The delay in speaking is too much totally agree. Being able to complete missions without unfreezing units is not a problem IMO because it lets players be able to try to beat it without the help testing their skills.
A new minor patch to fix some things in Arena of the God among some other stuff.