Asclepius and Nyx (Greek and Atlanteans)

Greek Major God: Asclepius, God of Medicine
Source for Asclepius

Asclepius would be a Major God for Greek Pantheon who would feactures bonuses towards max health, health regen and healing of human units

His exclusive Human Unit is Physician, a hero unit that can fight at melee with weaker damage per second than Hersir and heal allied units like a Priest, he can be trained at Temple and Town Center right at Archaic Age

His God Power grants a reliable source of food by sprouting 8 berry bushes on target area over 20 seconds

Atlantean Major God: Nyx, Goddess of Night
Source for Nyx

Nyx would be a Major God for Atlantean Pantheon who would feactures bonuses towards human units being shielded against enemy myth units abilities, hero units having greater damage multiplier against enemy myth units and town centers shielding both nearby allied units and structures against enemy god powers.

Her God Power shields target area against enemy God Powers and removes any enemy God Power effect from same area over duration.

Need help for further details of those two Major Gods though…


hey! nice ideas!

i will personally just target Nyx here since i also would really like to see her, at best as a major god.

i partly really like (and partly don’t like that much) your ideas but ideas are ideas and very welcome :slight_smile:
What i personally like:
o shielding targets in an area
o removing godpowers (really awesome idea and i think would really fit!)

What i personaly don’t like that much:
o more dmg to myth units especially for hero units

A couple more (more random) ideas:

  • reduce enemy sight
  • shroud the map in darkness for a certain duration which reduce enemy sight and buff the movementspeed
    and attackspeed of allied units
    (- make already explored areas unexplored again)
  • let nocturnal creatures spawn for a certain duration which aid you
  • bless units (myth or military) with a certain buff

unfortunately the game has no real night time and no real nocturnal myth units otherwise i would suggest to expand on / buff those.

but i generally like the shielding idea. let them get shielded by a shroud of darkness which absorbed dmg and let arrows and GPs miss!