Assertive Seawall AI

Added a couple improvements 2023-12-11T08:00:00Z

I’ve reworked the fishing boat training, trying to replicate a few different fishing boat booming strategies based on how contested the water is.

I also fixed something I’ve found extremely irritating, which is that caravels and canoes would continue to fish while getting attacked. They now turn around and attack, though in the future I’ll probably improve that to check if they should run away first.

Btw, has anyone tried hosting a multiplayer lobby with the AI enabled, or have any feedback on the competitiveness? I’ve been doing some online testing on Ceylon, trying to see how much of a handicap it needs. I started at 100% handicap and our team got completely smoked. Then I did 50%, and 25%. Next game will be at 15% but we’re currently 0-3 against the AI in 4v4 games.

Another update 2023-12-23T08:00:00Z, this time adding a fix for King of the Hill. The AI should now attack and attempt to hold the fort, and did so enough times to beat me in a big FFA:

Latest update 2024-01-06T08:00:00Z includes tweaks to attacks and defenses. The AI can now reinforce it’s armies on more difficulties (now hard and above) and it shouldn’t retreat when attacking human players. It should also be a little better at defending its allies, though I haven’t been able to thoroughly test that yet.