You will be glad to know that, while I still haven’t lost in all the sense of the word, the AI has become so good at contesting water that I’ve been forced to resign 2 or 3 times already, because the game had got to a point where even rebuilding a navy was hard as my docks were constantly under attack. In fact, I’m sure that ironing the landing logic will make this ai terrifying on water, especially for people that are not used to play water maps. (I wrote this before seeing you published some updates today lol, I will try them). Not only that, but the AI has become so competent on water that it forces me to continuously build canoes, a thing I almost never did before. I’ve also noted that the AI is more eager to defend its allies’ docks with outposts and ships, so that is very good.
On land maps, the ai is very, very good, and those forward bases can really be a pain. I’ve noticed a few updates ago the AI no lo longer build walls in their bases, just the forward ones. I know this is by design for unintended behaviour, but it would be good for some turtle civs.
Some things I sill notice in water play:
For some reason I’ve seen sometimes ships stop moving/working, most of the time when it happens is fishing boats, but sometimes warships too, even with units inside. Even one time I saw an army that had successfully crossed the sea stay idle with an undefended base right beside them. In the specific case of ships, this is very detrimental, as when they have units inside they are effectively reducing the AI’s pop cap.:
I’ve also seen this weird behaviour that happens sometimes with transport ships, as if they have two conflicting orders, or one order overriding the other in a loop:
In fact, this behaviour, where the AI seems to try to complete conflicting orders, seems to be appearing to be a recurring issue, as in the case of this indecisive explorer trying to build a Trade Post on the island. This happens every time and explorer is trying to build a TP , native or from the trade route:
Or in this case, where an AI doesn’t seems to know where to park its ship so its units can go in, resulting in them chasing the ship all along the coast. I believe this also could happen because the ship gets the order to pick them up and then immediately receives another to explore or fight, and then again the one to pick them up, hence the loop:
I even thing this is the reason that sometimes the AI can’t transport artillery. Check how every time they want to go in, they then have a micro stutter, like they received other orders and then immediately cancelled them to go in the ship, as you can see here:
I don’t have a recording of the exact moment the ai manages to transport the artillery, but I have seen it happening, and in that case the artillery does not have that micro stutter, it stays still and even manages to get them in having the ships moving a little. All of this makes me think the issue with artillery is also a case of conflicting orders, maybe they are ordered to be transported and to defend the docks at the same time. The problem in this particular case is that the ship that tries to transport those bugged artillery pieces get stuck for the rest of the game. Here you can see an example of an Ai simultaneously sending artillery in a ship and having troubles putting other pieces in another boat:
Another thing I’ve noticed is that sometimes the AI’s units go to the shore to get picked up, cancel that order and return to base, and then get shot by canoes without defending. It even shows some falconets trying to fight and then trying to run away, without connecting one shot:
Or this examples of 2 Frigates transporting a sizeable army, with 8 falconets included, and lose them all to some cannons ashore because they started fighting units and cannons ashore instead of landing their units:
Judging by where were they moving when they engaged, it seems the ai wanted to land the units by the enemy base and not the closest piece of land on the island, which put them at a disadvantageous position, and after receiving the first attack, they forgot to land them. Could it be possible to add a condition so the ai land its army on the closest shore if it sees its on inminent danger? I belive if it had landed that army right there and then, it would have wiped out the enemy army. Ironically, there is a shipment for the USA that increases the attack of ships if they have militia garrisoned ###### ##### so this behaviour could be very beneficial to them if they learn to use the card.
One last thing I wanted to add is that I’ve seen some ai dealying the construction of their TC’s with wagons until they have a dock assigned to it. So, for example, if an ai gets to age 3 and gets a wagon, but it has already defended docks, it will wait for another dock to be buil in another location so it can then move the wagon and build the TC as defense. While is good that TC’s defend docks and waterways, specially if the ai gets the appropiate shipments, but I also think that delaying the building of a second TC also hurts them economically, so maybe the AI should take that decision faster and maybe even placing the TC before a planned dock, so it doesn’t waste time before it can start producing villagers.
Speaking of shipments for the USA, there seems to be a “bug” or something with the ai, even unmodded, in which it always chooses “Recruit Manilamen” as its second age ship card, even when it has a 600 resources cost. Evidently, this prohibits the AI to sent it early at age 2, disparaging its navall force compared with other civs. Instead, It should chose the free shipment “2 Sloops”, which is free and its the equivalent of any other civ waship card. Can this be fixed in any way?
Oh and also, very important: could there be anyway to add to the European water decks, at least on island maps, their Battleship shipments? Every euro civ has access to 2 of those cards except for Britain, and it would be terrifiying to find them on water maps. It could also be good if the Ai could train them in European maps if they are allied with a Royal House.
I have some more feedback regarding the AI building on different islands, is working good but can be ironed a bit. I will reserve that ##### I play some games of Ceylon, Archipelago and Mediterranean to better get a grasp of those mechanics, as these maps encourage migration the most. I hope this can be of use to and can’t wait to test the new version. I saw on the Age of Pirates discord that there was a beta AI, is it more advanced in development that the Assertive AI? I’d like to try it too if that is the case.
As always, Im up for any testing of a new mechanic or behaviour if needed. As I said, besides these things, the mod is working better than ever and have even managed to take control of the water away from me, as I was treating it as a mostly passive AI and it surely surprised me. I would have surely lost that game if the 4 enemy ais would have landed us with all their might.