Going to try it
Nice work!
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Thanks! You may or may not have experienced this issue, but the AI would sometimes get caught in this trap where they tasked a bunch of villagers to go build the forward base and star fort, but didn’t have the wood to do it. The villagers would just sit idle waiting for enough wood, but no one was gathering anymore so the AI would effectively just stop doing anything.
I had some basic checks to help with it but this is a much better solution, so hopefully the AI won’t randomly drop off in the late game anymore.
Exactly. That is what the AI is currently missing
They are also sending a bunch of military units to players TC and getting unresponsive for a couple of minutes in the early game!
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Could you elaborate on that? Are they sending military to an ally or enemy TC?
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Yes of course.
To ally TC. I guess the purpose is to defend the player base but is kind of erratic
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Were there any enemies walking through your town before that? Even if it was just a handful?
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No enemies walking through my town before neither after
Just AI ally keeps on constantly sending units to players Town Center, yep
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Very weird. I guess I need to play with more ally teammates to see if something is going on
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Reporting that the USA still don’t pack the 2 sloop shipment on water maps, only the Manilamen shipment which costs 600 resources and they dont seem to send until very late on the match. For some reason the forum doenst let me upload images, but that leaves them vulnerable to early water raids
Nice work on keeping this game alive. This is one of the best mods out there. Countless hours of fun with my friends!
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