Atlanteans need a huge nerf urgently!

again if you like to trust any unofficial website you find on the internet that’s your problem not mine. I’m just saying what I see in the game that’s all. The Atlanteans are the most broken pantheon in the game and they need a big nerf.

everyone??? I think you’re hallucinating. If you like to trust any non-official statistics page that appears on the internet and you give your life to trust those websites, that’s your problem, not mine. I only trust official sites for the game. I don’t trust non-official websites that can manipulate information as they see fit.

The hetairoi is a completely broken unit due to its area damage, it is capable of single-handedly defeating several units at once, it is practically a mythical unit that doesn’t cost a favor and because it is powerful it generates spam of only hetairoi.
Did any of the top players of the game come out to ask for the hetairoi to be nerfed? No.
Did you see any post other than mine asking for the hetairoi to be nerfed??? No.

again if you like to trust any unofficial website you find on the internet that’s your problem not mine

These unofficial websites are still using official data. If you have some wild conspiracy theory that everyone else is in cahoots, you have to prove that.

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again I don’t have to prove anything about a page that isn’t even official.

@BornWinter52864 Hi, please avoid creating more threads about the same thing and use only this one - that way you will avoid altercations with other members, thanks!

Prove your point or shut up


I bet if this website would agree with you, you would post it everywhere over this forum as a proof.

Your only evidence for Atlanteans being OP is you losing against them. But instead of accepting that you aren’t that good at the game you want the game to be changed for you.


The dude should play them instead of whining, if they are OP as hell as he says, just play them and win every game if you can :joy:

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I also think that the best way to know the weaknesses of a Civ is to play them yourself.


Atlanteans are cool design and quite balanced. Maybe I would tune down non-hero oracle favor rate down a bit and nerf murmillos slightly so they don’t have by far best generic infantry and have to rely on counter units. Imagine if egypt started with 3 free monuments.

I am happy with how Atlanteans are, but I will give you some face by saying maybe they need less initial favor income. My tip against atlanteans is, don’t let them get to the point where they are at max pop and can afford to heroize their whole army as then they are very overpowered. Of course noobs struggle with this since they want 0 fights until they have a titan.

For me, the Atlanteans are not balanced. Every time I play with the Atlanteans I am able to face two players at the same time and I always win. In addition, in all the games that I play with the Atlanteans I always finish building the Atlantean wonder. Additional information: when I play with the Atlanteans I reach excessively high amounts of resources, which does not happen when I play with the other pantheons.

If the Atlanteans are already very broken and the developers do not want to balance them, then the developers should improve the other pantheons except for the Atlanteans so that the game can be balanced.

I can see that full hero army and early turma raids feel unbalanced and annoying af but o think Norse are in a more oppressive and maybe too strong position rn.

Every team match I play and there are Norse in the enemy team at least one (most of the time Loki players) are getting out of hand and too oppressive.

I think if Egypt and Greek (especially Zeus) get very late game too they can beat Norse but if Norse just gets slightly ahead till then it’s very hard to come to this point.

I think Atlanteans are relatively balanced cause they sometimes feel very strong and sometimes really weak.

At least that’s my point of perspective form many multiplayer matches now.

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I’ve played with all the pantheons and for me the Egyptians are the weakest pantheon except for the spam of the Egyptian Chariot Archer and the Son of Osiris. The Greeks and Norse are regularly balanced except for the area damage of the Hetaroi, but the Atlanteans are very unbalanced, if you really know how to play and you face professional players all the time you will come to the same conclusion as me, that the Atlanteans collect resources excessively fast, more than 90,000 per resource very easy, Also, the fact that the Atlanteans can turn all their units into heroes seems like an overly exaggerated advantage , a professional player has all his Atlantean villagers converted into heroes. When I play with Norse and Greeks at most I get 20,000 for each resource, very little compared to the Atlanteans.

Atlanteans always ruin team games because they are excessively superior in all. Please developers, nerf the Atlanteans, they always ruin team games.