A few months ago I made a doc about things I’d like to see buffed or nerfed, talked with a bunch of 2k+ players. Here are some of the ideas. I’ll also try to explain why the changes. There is not much structure into this thread, like units, then general changes.
Sometimes I might propose that something gets replaced for something I’m not sure of or don’t know, or maybe i’ll have some leads…
- Eagle warriors : cost increased from 20f/50g to 25f/50g (maybe 30f).
Early castle age eagle spam is way too powerful. They are good raiders, trade well against archers and cav, resist to monks and longsword are not mobile while eagles are, and all of that for a low cost. Also remember that eagles are good in mass but not that strong in little numbers. The goal here is to let a chance to the opponent to transition into a counter unit or better prepare his defense.
- Monks : conversion range changed from 3-10 seconds to 4-8 seconds. Units with conversion resistance take from 4 to 10 seconds to convert | OR | All units have fixed conversion time.
Honestly, I don’t like the fact that conversion is random. It should be a fixed time for every category of unit. It would make the game even more skilled since good players will know the conversion time and will know if they can snipe the monk or will have to delete their unit. No more lucky or unlucky conversion BS. But if it’s too much, increasing the minimum conversion time from 3 to 4 seconds and reducing it to 8 seconds should make it fairer.
- Wolves : No more random spawn, but on specific locations.
What it means is that wolves should probably disappear on classic maps like arabia because it’s so enraging to be attacked by one of these when you’re drushing, for example, or try to sneak a vil somewhere. It’s not fair because your opponent might not be in the same case. It’s another example of randoms things that you cannot control but can give an advantage to your opponent. Wolves can be put in a map design to prevent from certain strats like vil rush or drush.
- Elite skirmisher : upgrade cost decreased from 230w/130g to 200w/100g | Upgrade time decreased from 45s to 35s
This change is meant to match xbows upgrade time which is 35s. Bodkin is 35s too. It can make a huge difference when castle age timings are the same and the first fight can decide the game. Cost is also too important because you also need ballistics in some cases, and 230w is a lot of wood early castle age, plus the university which is 200w and the upgrade itself. An archer civ will make a 2nd TC or a siege workshop for example.
- Britons : remove the bonus production for something else.
I’m not sure about what could be put to replace this. I think it’s too strong in teamgames especially. Maybe “archery techs are less expensive” or put the current teambonus only for britons and change it.
- Celts : Celts make no sense in this game to be honest.
Celts are not a middle age civilization. They should be renamed for “Scots”. Even in the campaign we play the Scots but they’re labelled as Celts. I don’t really understand why Celts have strong siege units aswell since it’s not accurate historically (see Robert I castle destruction policy). This civ should be reworked into infantry and gunpowder civilization, specialized in raiding in the early ages (which they do fine with wood bonus and fast infantry) and gunpowder in later ages (imperial age). We know the scots used gunpowder in the early 14th century and started to use it a lot in the 15th century.
- Chinese : too versatile and too easy to make army transitions. They also have a very strong eco.
Something from their tech tree should be removed like heavy camels, thumb ring, last cavalry armor upgrade. I don’t think they need a huge nerf, just something that’s relevant enough so it’s noticeable when you’re up against chinese.
- Goths : Like Celts, Goths makes no sense.
Goths make sense as a middle age civ (wisigoth kingdom) but their units don’t. They have access to gunpowder units for example. They should be renamed into “Visigoths”, since even the civ emblem shows the devs probably thought about the Visigoths. The idea of swarming infantry is from antiquity when the Visigoths fought against the Roman Empire but the Visigoth kingdom in Iberia saw the beginning of feudalism.
I think This civ should remain infantry based with something related to raiding, but with a better cavalry. Some changes with the siege could also be on the table. I also don’t like their unique unit design but that’s for another discussion.
- Huns : Huns don’t make much sense as well, they never were a middle age civilization.
They have access to paladins and halbs and I understand this on a balance perspective. Huns should be specialized in cavalry and cavalry archers with en emphasis on raiding, thus making tarkans more interesting than cavaliers. I don’t think they need much changes, probably a different imp unique tech.
- Japanese : Now have access to bombard canon
It’s historically accurate and japanese really struggle against civs that have access to FU skirms or with better castle/imperial age. Having access to bbc could help a lot.
- Mayans : either nerf eco or el dorado
reduce the 15% bonus to 10% or put it only for gold and stone and not for food and wood | OR | Nerf el dorado by increasing its price.
- Persians : bring back the 5% tc production in dark age.
Persians are kinda weird, they have an interesting tech tree but they always end up losing to faster civs. Also their elephants are not suited for most 1v1 maps but they should remain unchanged. Maybe buffing the elephants speed and removing the imperial unique tech to something better would be interesting. Getting bracer could also be an option but it would make trashbows really strong.
- Portuguese : technologies now cost 20% less gold in addition to researching 30% faster.
I don’t know for the percentage but I think it could make Portuguese interesting while not making them too strong
- Saracens : Archer bonus against buildings should be removed.
I know this idea might not be popular but archers should never be able to pass through buildings. Before the new expansion came out I was thinking of giving them faster attacking camels but hindustanis have it now so 11. Saracens have a good tech tree but they’re not a top civ in land, water or hybrid maps. They’re too versatile and can struggle against specialized civs with a good eco bonus. Also their eco bonus is useful if you store resources which is not that good when you’re supposed to use them and you also need to have resources to sell in the first place and without an eco bonus it’s hard to use the market and not ruin your eco.
i’d like saracens to have another small eco bonus
- Sicilians : 50% bonus reduction decreased to 25-35% | castles are built 50% faster instead of 100%
These changes should make sicilians cav a bit weaker against its counters and their castle drop a bit less strong. The sicilians is a very strong civ, not used that much because of the dominance of crossbows but underrated a lot.
Pathing issues : I think hitboxes are too big for most unit models. It results in weird pathfinding or units blocking themselves for nothing at all.
Laming : While its part of the game, i’m not a huge fan of laming, I think there are things that are more interesting than laming in this game. Maybe having 3 boars instead of 2 but with less food on each could be interesting. Laming would still be possible but a bit less punitive.
This sums up some of the changes i’d like to see. I like what the devs did with some civs, like changing useless unique techs to better ones (slavs, vietnamese). Some unique techs are still kinda useless like chinese, celts, spanish (castle age unique techs). I think we have enough civs for now, what i’d like to see is reworked civs.
To be honest I think the game should be redone from nothing to fix its performance and pathing problems, on a new game engine with better code, so maybe it would be possible to have a game with no game breaking bugs. Then it would take less time to maintain the game in a playable state and put more efforts into making it even better competitively.