Balance ideas on Reddit

i don’t think giving a civ that can spam out SL very fast extra attack is a good idea. unless you’re only talking 1-2 points, then i’d have to ask, why bother?

1 extra attack goes long way. Why? Because SL sucks and cumans ones sucks harder. Plus, will give them a good power spike in early castle and early imperial age.

1 extra attack means that early castle age steppe lancers go from requiring 25 hits to kill a knight to 20. while that sounds significant, the knight kills the steppe lancer in 8 hits. so you’re gonna need a significant number of them for this to actually have an impact, and frankly speaking, that doesn’t make it much of an early castle age bonus at all, because you need a critical mass.

yeah it would have a bigger impact against archers, but using steppe lancers against archers isn’t a good idea.

so like i said, 1 or 2 isn’t going to have much an impact on this unit.

Well, you have to remember than they stack better, and patrol better. The+1 ranges makes the count more complicated of what it seems at first. Faster attack rate can be another option, but again, it makes a difference

Yes but again you’re gonna need something like a 3 to 1 advantage against knights to win. Does that sound like early castle age to you?

Cumans already have fast training and fast creating Steppe Lancer, why more lol

Because those two bonuses does not help an unit that already creates and moves faster but sucks in everything else

And ask now, Will Cumans be better by just buffing an unit that has low stats?

Cumans problem is the early Game, no late game

no ty lol…that place doesn’t have the brigthest people.


Chinese +3 vills, 0 food and +2 vills and 50 food are roughly the same for Arabia, they’re going to have 1 villager less for the first 25 seconds which is about 10 less food overall. This could be more impactful on maps like Regicide Fortress though.
Same for Burgundians eco - minor impact and unnecessary actually given that they lack severe technologies late game.
Cumans struggle because of the extremely long 2nd tc build time. I think 225 seconds will be fine now. Back then it was OP because of Lancers, Kipchaks and the availability of Husbandry along with the 10% speed bonus. But now that Lancers are almost completely useless and Kipchaks are also nerfed, this won’t make Cumans too strong but a bit more usable.

I see Reddit on the title

Opinion discarded

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