And? You basically make them more generic this way. How to you solve their identity crisis within this change?
Game isn’t just about balance, the root problem of Burmese:
Arabia being way too deserted, tiny multiple woodlines that pretty much feed this single dimensional Meta of Archery Range units. It’s okay to be weak vs. Archers relatively, it’s not okay that 95% of the games have Archers as the core militaristic component.
This pseudo aggressive Skirmishers-Wars meta solely relies on how poor Arabia has become. Read for more.
Recently made TR Arabia however is a solid solution.
More trees per woodline, less woodlines, and therefore less Archers. -
Being an “Elephant Civ”, while the viability of Battle Elephants is little to none. Battle Elephants of Burmese are just weak vs. Archers, no reason to invest this much food in an unit that Archers outrun. This is supposed to be their unique answer to Archers and by that making them a well-rounded civ with a rich unique identity.
The only way to solve it is to increase the viability of this awful unit.
The solution must be decreasing the luxuriousness of BE, enough of the Unique Techs and fancy upgrades, expensive units NEED passive bonuses or else you’ll never see them in Vanilla formats. (obviously excluding Post-Imp TG situations, aka BF fantasy)
Howdah Removed from the game.
Battle Elephants have passively 0/2 armor
Instead of the current 1/1 passively + 1/1 Howdah
I can’t take a discussion about Gurjaras seriously if it does not address the Shrivamsha Riders deeply. The first thing to be nerfed, it’s a poor design (just like Steppe Lancers), that the only way developers could implement it and make it useful is by making it OP (just like they did with Steppe Lancer when they just came out).
This unit needs to be repriced and have its stats adjusted, one option:
Instead of 70f 20g, make it 30f 60g
Instead of 8 , 11 damage, make it 7, 9
This unit relies too much on a big farming eco, makes the comeback mechanism vs. Archer play almost impossible, economically it’s as bad as making Steppe Lancers.
Especially for a civ that has almost a FU Hussar, no reason to be obsessed here with gold efficiency, you rather need an early game answer. Similarly to (well designed) Eagles.
The damage nerf just proffesionalize them instead of making them a Keshik, aka, a cheap version of Knight, which is a general unit that’s good almost against anything. I’d argue giving them bonus vs. Archers.
To conclude, I like the fact you preserved the idea that there should be (atleast) one civ in the game that lacks access to Leather Archer Armor. Most other posts here just call to fill holes in civs tech tree recklessly. So I appreciate your unique method. However it doesnt serve any purpose but balancing, you basically give up dealing with Burmese as an Elephant civ and basically just turning them into another generic Portuguese civ.