Balance suggestions for april patch

Sareacens: camels have +1/+2 attack in castle/imperial age. (that, or camels have +10 hp, but I preffer the first option).

If they’re going to buff their camels, make it in imperial only, they still have FU knights in castle age

Goths: good luck balancing this. They need some buff. Again

Revert the infantry bonus to the 35% feudal, revise the boar bonus to something useful and I guess give them thumb ring for castle age crossbows

Khmer: lose crop rotation, or maybe handcart

Why? First of all hand cart is essential, you can’t just remove it from civs. Khmer I feel now are in a good position, I’d remove arbalester if they need a nerf at all.

Mongols:hunt bonus reduced to 30%

Nope, its their only economic bonus. Nerf it too much and they become a mediocre civ with a very expensive late game comp

Persians: kamandaran archers cost 60 wood 20 food

Nah 60 wood is already a lot, I’d increase the cost of the tech itself to 600f 600g

Rattan archers gains bonus against chu ko ku and kipchak

why specifically against those units? rattan archer already beats both of them 1v1. Also this is hard to implement as you’ll have to invent a new armor class for chuks and kipchaks.