Balancing African civs

the problem is that etiopies get 5 cavalry of 1200 hp in age 3, taht has bonus versus culverin xD


Another thing people don’t understand is this: yes, the tech for africa civs to train artillery is 300 export, and then the artillery themselves are 500 influence, 500 total resources is the same as a normal civs cannons, but people say that the tech is a big disadvantage because that’s 300 res no other civ has to pay, but they don’t take into account the cost of an artillery foundry when we take this into account it’s a 50 resource disadvantage, your going to build the fort either way so that’s why I don’t take the fort cost into account.

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.10 vs artillery makes the mortar practically useless doing just 50 damage, now they are significantly out ranged by culverin since the hotfix so it’s an easy 3 shot kill on 1 target, compared to 4 shots on 2 falcs and you need to target them 2x on each falc.

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how do i kill 5 cavs of 6000 hp before they touch culverin? xD

The senna horseman? they are just mamelukes basically and cost 1000 res plus an age 3 shipment so it’s basically a 2000 res card like mamelukes, if a player is investing that much then you should have some strong anti-cav and as long as you’re sitting on the cannons with a musketeer/dragoon mass then you’re fine. Same situation if you were playing vs ottomans or ports and they sent mams.

Influence is a bit more expensive to come by than the normal resources. An euro civ can focus on spamming cannons by simply tasking more villies on gold and wood, whereas the African civs cannot reliably do that (Hausa can do it more easily than Ethiopia due to their universities, but still). Cannon is still a sore point for the affrican civs, and an easy counter for them in the late game.

Yes this. Whilst the resources might be the same total it’s not like you just shift 20 vills to influence to spam a few cannons then back to gold and food.
Influence for Ethiopia is also at the expense of gold so either you gather more influence or more gold, and whilst you can put vills on a normal mine those mines are going to run out fast when 1 of your mines is gathering mostly influence, then your forced to have map control or gather at risk of raids on far away mines.
Hausa don’t even have the jesuit card for some influence with each shipment, your forced to build tp’s and set them to influence over xp, build a native settlement which trickles and costs 200w for the equivalent of a fattened cows influence (and typically you’ll only have 1 native tp in a safe area) other than that you need to build universities which cost 400 res each and don’t even trickle much unless you have also build a tp/tc/palace nearby just to maximise your starting tc you’ll need to spend 800 res on a palace and university just for a few vills worth of trickle. After that you’ll need to build tp/university/palace most often which is a 1000 res.
Let’s not forget that there are many maps that don’t have many safe tp’s at all or have very few safe tp’s.

Cattle generate influence though. It’s not very expensive to buy 20 cattle and get the fattening upgrade. they’re less than 80% of the cost of 5 banks, and they generates 88% the amount of resources. I wouldn’t say influence is that difficult to come by.


You typically use your cows to exchange resources because African late game economy is somewhat trash and you still need to do trades from time to time.

But even so, you would still have to use influence for things other than cannon. All your good units cost influence, so your ability to spam cannon is also hindered by that.

In my experience so far, war camp late game units are not enough to deal with euro cannon balls.

Africans are very good early game, but once those get nerfed, the late game is quite unforgiving to them.

just replace the cows as you trade them. I don’t see how late african ecos are bad when they get +16-18 vills in the form of cows, + influence from TP’s and other influence trickle, + cow trade-ins.

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As I said, Africa late game economy is trash, unless they use their cows for trade. Simply replacing the cows immediately after selling them is going to reduce the gold you can trade by 20%. The calf replacement upgrade is pretty late into the game and still comes with fattening overhead.

You cannot just leave your cows to do the influence gathering, this is why you have universities and mountain monasteries. Influence is used for a lot of things, not just buying cannons. Thus you cannot reliably spam cannons AND do other influence related things (meaning you can’t buy your awesome powerful units), thus your late game army is trashy.

In the late game it makes more sense to get a sebastopol or two and guard it with ridiculous amount of units rather than build cannon balls in the european sense of the word.

I’m confused-- are you trading every single one of your cattle? and then you just have no cattle to trade-in and your eco is just worse? Or are you replacing them at some point?

If you’re replacing them at some point, wouldn’t it be better to replace them immediately and keep the cow count high as to always have 16 or more cows fully fattened, thus adding 10+ trickle eco? these things are akin to factories if you use them properly. and yeah, you gotta give up 100 coin per sale, but you’re still coming out ahead unless you’re selling your rate down too far.

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I am replacing them ofc. But it is not always feasible to replace instantly, especially on supremacy.

Anyway, This is a problem for Ethiopia rather than Hausa. Hausa can even get 2 livestock with every shipment. Also universities are easier to maintain and support.

I guess but is pretty hard to stop them in Team and Treaty games. The 0.75 range armor really sucks, not even 50 dragoons can kill a mortar in 1 shot, wtf.

Plain Imperial Goons (without card, arsenal, etc. updates) deal 33x2 Ranged attack vs artillery. Sebastopol mortar absorbs 75% of a shot, meanning they only do shtty 16 damage each one. If you have 50 goons thats ONLY 825 damage to a mortar in a shot. OMG.

Dragoons arent the best killing artillery but yabusame. Use culverins or heavy cav instead.

It seems some people have trouble balancing their food/wood/coin with their influence spending.

The simplest and easiest way to gain influence income is just to have more living livestock and preferably fully fattened ones. But cows have a limit of 20…and it does take a while to fatten up since you don’t have stockyards.

As Hausa you can be a little more liberal, freely spaming Mercenaries or their Musket unit.
And it’s simple all you need is a university near a town centre and palace and ideally a trading post. But in team games trading posts can be taken over by allies, so allowing universities to work with allied trading posts seems like a smart idea.

For ethiiopia it’s effectively ‘mined’. But there’s another way; there’s an upgrade that gives you influence when you kill military units. This sort of reminds me of Age if Mythology playing Norse.

But as ethiopian you have a more complete military roster that doesn’t cost influence. You even have a ranged hussar to take out skirmishers without relying on artillery.

For comparison, a heavy cannon has exactly the same hp and resist, so the mortar is no different to a heavy cannon. Or 2 falconets only have a combined total of 75 hp lower than a mortar, mortar also does not get it’s attack/hp upgraded in age 4 only it’s splash damage.

Of course, they are not but goons suppose to be a counter.

Against [6 Sebastopol + Javelin ] combo good luck with heavy cav, they can barely touch mortars. The solution is culverins which mortars can avoid really easily due to the Unpacked Sebastopol speed of 3. Culverins have a speed of 1.4 when ready to attack. Not to mention super-high range of Sebastopols.

Having to do trade offs for influence and other resources is by design. This is why you have many units costing influence. You are supposed to have “problems” with influence, juggling with it is what gives affrican civs flavor and how it differentiates their play style from other civs. I don’t think influence gathering needs to be buffed in any way, it is good as it is. This is built into every aspect of those civs: weaker late game economy means you still need to trade cows for boosts in wood and gold. Natives and allied tribes all cost influence, so you need to decide which you’re gonna use. You can trade influence at a TP, at the exchange of shipments (since you won’t get XP).

The “problem” I am arguing is not an actual problem, it is simply stating the fact that influence is not a 1:1 map to food/wood/coin, even though unit and upgrade prices make it seem that way. This is supposed to impair you in the late game, increasing the skill cap of those civs.

If you don’t have problems with influence you are either doing something wrong or playing at a very low ELO and the enemy isn’t pressuring you enough.

Well, they just can switch between bombards, have a greater attack, best speed in attack mode and no need for unpack animation. They are no different, lol. OMG