Barbary Privateers

In the description of the Barbary-States-Revolution ( ) it states, that Barbary-Privateers “can train Falconets in addition to the same units trained by the Galleon”.

This is currentlynot the case!
They can only train the unique Barbary units (Warriors & Marksman) but neither the falconet, nor any non-Barbary-units.

For Balance reasons I think not only should this be fixed, but Barbary States should also be able to train Culverines at Privateers, giving their raiding-fleets a solid answer against Artillery. Maybe even replacing the Falconet with the culverin (the Falconet-card replaced with an culverine-card and training only Culverine at Privateers, but no Falconet).

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Thanks for bringing it up, this issue is now being tracked!

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WoW! Not only did you fix this but also implented my suggestion! Thx for considering community-suggestions <3