That is not the issue. AoE1 and 2 went with cultural groups (Greeks, Saracens…) while AoE3 went with Nations (British).
The issue is that there was no nation or empire called Berbers, but there was a Berber empire called Morocco.
This is why it would be weird to get a broad Berbers civ, when all other Berbers outside of the Moroccans, were serfs of the Ottomans.
AoE3 did away with the broad culture groups of AoE1 and 2, because empires in the Early Modern Era were nation-based, not culture based, and that is why most empires had a variety of serf cultures and immigrants from other nations (Portuguese immigration to Brazil pales when compared to Italian or even Japanese immigration, but it is still a Portuguese successor nation).
The Hausa, however, had a multitude of independant nations, while the only independent Berber nation in this timeframe, is Morocco.
It would also be really sad to skip Moroccans for a generic Berbers civ, because Morocco has A LOT of History in this timeframe, and they were the ones that broke the Mali and Songhai.
There is also their battles against Portugal and the Ottos, colonization by Spain and France, and the Touareg people which would fit a Moroccans civ much more than Berbers.
British is a culture just the same as ancient Greek, just like French and any other. If it was a nation they would have been called Britain, France etc.
Skip Morroco? A berber civ would incompass most of all Berber culture including Morroco. Germans are also a thing, they include multiple aspects of all German states that existed not just Austria, just Prussia etc.
It was in vanilla, and now the USA is called United States, so they are back to nations.
And it is a very contentious topic. I would rather they avoid the same mistake the original devs already made, of having the HRE, Austria and Prussia pulled into one civ.
Are you sure as I have never seen the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, etc in vanilla.
And if you want Morroco as a civ like you say as a nation, not culture group then you shoudlnt want Prussia and Austria seperated, that breaks your point of having the civs be actual nations. Simply put Austria and Prussia were officially in the HRE.
That is EXACTLY how they were called. Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, France, Great Brittain, Ottoman Empire, Russia and Germany.
The civs originally had nation names, the culture thing came with DE.
Originally, and you can boot up the Steam Legacy version and check for yourself, the civs were straight up NATIONS.
I do not remember ingame, but on the old game’s back:
However, I’d argue that the idea was to target countries, but as said countries names changed a lot, they went with more generic terms.
As for this topic, I would prefer they go with Morocco, as Barbary Coast is already in the game as a revolution (not that it would stop them apparently …lol) and as a people, Berbers from the Ottoman Empire are already there technically as well.