Em 7 de outubro de 1571, ou seja exatos 453 anos, acontecia nas águas do Mediterrâneo a Batalha de Lepanto, que até os eventos das Guerras Mundiais, havia sido a maior batalha naval da historia.
Eu sei que já existe uma representação da mesma no Age of Empires II, na expansão the Conquerors, mas é notorio que Lepanto por seu significado estratégico, e pela época merecia muito bem um cenário historico aqui no Age III.
Por favor desenvolvedores, nos dêem esse presente, é um pedido especial que eu faço, pois assim como a batalha, hoje também é meu aniversário.
I’d love to see Lepanto in AOE3 - it’s so timespan relevant!
Give me a few weeks, I promise
Just for the record, magic means you can make Spanish train Galleys, Order Galleys and Galleases, and all Italian and Maltese units and buildings
Yes, and for the Greek colonies you could use the Italians (alluding to the Venetian colonies in the Mediterranean) or the Maltese for archaic units…
You could also just make them Phanar.
But an AoE3 Lepanto scenario doesn’t have to be a 1:1 recreation of the AoE2 one.
Yeah, whatever the civs used, it would be muuuuch more historical than the AOE2 version
You can’t make Player civs Minor Civs. However, I made them Knights of Saint John and changed their name to Phanariotes. They train Boneguard swordsmen, but they are renamed Long swordsman, as in AoE 2 long swordsman. I collected all the “Long swordsman” strings in every AoE2 language and made a added a moded language file for AoE3.
Now, for evereyone involved, as there is not a Wonder Aoe3 building, per one of this forum mods and Wars of Liberty devs suggestion, I’m just gonna start a timer when the player, I’ll start a timer when the player builds a Basilica.
They don’t have to be a player, which is why I suggested using Phanar.
Statement: I had to format my pc and lost ALL progress. I had made a custom gui for 44 cards even. Added galleasses, galleys and order galleys to the Spanish player. Added Italian and Maltese cards to the Spanish homecity and Italian and Maltese units and techs to the Spanish techtree, via triggers. And added the Inca Ship Conquistadors cards. Changed Settler and Artillery Foundry names to Villager and Siege Workshop, woth triggers.
Turks trained Xebecs, with triggers.
Only techs, units and cards available before 1571 were available, so no Great Coat or Gaslightning, for example, but many cards for gathering resources instead (and Pioneers for Villagers)
Can’t even remember which files I had modified. Specially the gui files.
When the next DLC comes out, I may start again, but it’s really demotivating. A lot of work, gone
Omg thats so much stuff and it all sounded great… i cant even imagine how you are feeling right now, but i wish you all the best for the future. Its amazing to have someone with so much modding skills and dedication in this community
Just put the native site instead of the Greek player bro.
I also placed a native phanar site, in one of the isles
Statement: given the recent cancellation, I guess I’ll restart this so we can still get some content. I would really like some help with string and audio localization. I kniw how to localize strings, but its so tiresome to extract them from AoE2 string files and saving them in AoE3 format. I don’t know how to localize sounds
Good luck for you… but you should have tried to save on any kind of Cloud.