I bought this game directly when it came out, and although I love this game, I have to say that I cannot recommend it… Seems to have Rubbish stability sadly.
Iv’e been having this problem where it crashes when i press ranked games, so when it is supposed to do a benchmark test it crashes. But… playing with friends on quickplay and custom games works fine…
I mean, I have good specs…
Intel® Core™ i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz
Ram 32,0 GB
GeForce RTX 2060
Ive tried changing the Pagefile settings, Using just 1 monitor, verify the game, reinstalling the game, re installing on different drive. updating graphics card… etc…
Ive tried getting help before from their support but after trying a few things I just got " wait for updates" Well… Im still having this problem… and I did not get the game that i payed for…