They are the most rounded unit in the game…
That’s their problem.
Just make Mahayana a civ bonus and give a new tech instead.
That will only result in an overboom. Its perfect as a post imperial tech. the tech helps create utmost 10-15 more military units. It won’t even help from becoming housed in nomad start.
The only scenario Bengali EAs win against skirms is in port imperial age with elite version researched. When opponent is making skirms, only a ####### will make EAs or rathas now. Bengalis don’t have anything else to trade against skirms. Its just a mangonel defense that works. EAs cost food and not wood which is their main handicap. Their attack stats need to be buffed to twice what it is now. The armour then can stay as -4.
If we really care about 1k elo, we should give skirms bonus damage against knights too. We are talking Bengalis and you just tried to make it a small guy vs others debate.
They got Skirms only missing TR, FU light cav, FU scorpions and FU onagers. That is fine already againt skirms.
And 16 civs have worse skirms due to missing a forge upgrad (or Elite skirm).
What do you mean ? I think you wrote a wrong number. By producing 12 vils every 5 minutes and using 5 minutes for Feudal+Castle+Loom, a regular civ gets 36 vils+wheelbarrow in 20 minutes, no ?
This sounds fine to me. They would take 4.5 damage/hit instead of 6. But I think skirms should stay the main counter of Rathas.
It might also be interesting to buff other Bengalis units (like EA) instead. Rathas do not need to be the go to late game unit either…
Yeah! It was 40 not 30. You can’t fight a skirm war since a knight or camel will clear it up. Skirms are only for defense and the issue is Bengali power units are taken out too easily due to lack of maneuverability. There is no dodge mechanism like the shrivamsha either. So it makes sense for them to have a new unique unit which is anti-archer like shrivamsha or ghulum.
It this case it might be interesting to nerf damage from ranged Rathas (normal from 5 to 3 or 2, andelite from 6 to 3 or 4) and remove the archer/cav archer tags.
Then instead of being a “ranged cav archer that can go melee to kill siege”, it would be a “heavy cavarly who can kite pikes”. The base unit when produced would also be the melee unit instead of the ranged one.
Bengalis are overpowered. It’s just that noobs don’t know how to use them.
My kill to lose ratio is always the highest when playing Bengali. Ratha are soo dynamic, melee cavalry, archer, and even garrison and shoot arrows from atop. Battle Elephants negative bonus damage. All these powers at a low pop space. They even get low pop villagers to accomodate more of these tanky soldiers. Even the monks are so tanky and your army health never goes down when they are around.
It is the exact opposite. It is a civ for noobs to stomp other noobs.
Okeyy. I hope they buff it then. Bengali is my favourite civ. So I am gonna be happy to see my Ratha Civ become even more stronger.
In the aoe4 forum someone said CA in aoe2 have bonus Vs elephants. Then I come over here and someone is saying Bengali are OP
What alternate dimension is this
What game are you guys playing?
This is a interesting one, it’ll function similar to Huns where it’s basically a small wood saving on houses until arguably mid imperial? I think it hardly boosts the civ until that stage(because pop cap is rarely an issue until then), so we could argue it actually makes sense as a civ bonus since it scales like that
Why are you insulting people? You can just say your ideas are wrong for these X1, X2, X3 etc. reasons. Insulting other forumers against forum rules.
Bengalis are terrible for 1x1 and for team games when they have to be pkt on an open map, the only usage they have is on boom maps were you can spam their elephant archers, but as soon as they run out of gold they are one of the worst post imperial civs, not even hussar and their siege is weak.
Their general design is awful and the winrates doesn’t lie they are in the button of the 1x1.
I watched that entire tournament. Plenty of civs were used on different maps except this Bengalis which were used ONLY on Regicide fortress. Remember that its a particular setting with more vills and a fast paced start and a well protected base from the start. This means there’s no scope for tower rush or siege push or any other strategies commonly used in other closed maps and its a pure protect the relic monks and boom fest.
So try to understand the difference between Regicide fortress and RM Arena before saying it was a misplay by Villese. It wasn’t a misplay, the civ’s weaknesses start showing up when its not a pure boom game.
Yes, that would make them a decent unit in late game.
Finally someone addressed it. Or something else needs to be buffed, like base attack or minimum conversion time.
-5 cav archer armor, -50 hp, -1 base p.armor ???
The nerfs they got hugely outweigh the 10 food discount. Its totally ok to have them as they are if the civs that have them, get CA and this is an additional option. To be a replacement instead of CA, for their current 80 food 70 gold cost they should have the old Indian castle unit’s stats along with the 0.9 speed or for their current stats their cost should drop to 65 food, 60 gold.
Outside Black forest TG, it definitely is.
Having such a unit in archery range like how Berbers have Genitors along with skirmishers is fine. Not like a replacement to CA.
If people were so used to meta strats, no one would pick Gurjaras or Hindustanis. Both civs don’t have knights nor Arbalest. Plenty of games you can see strats like scouts into Shrivamsha riders and later chakram throwers, Scouts or archers into Camels and later Ghilman, wall-castle age-Coustillier. If the unit is worth making, people will adapt and come up with a different BO to capitalize on the unit’s effectiveness. EA simply aren’t.
EW Water maps, regicide fortress. Never picked in RMS Cup 2, Titans league or Only land cup.
Did you check the game after that? It just seems like Survivalist and deaker were testing out the Bengali-Hindustani matchup. When deaker as Hindustanis stayed defensive with no Camels, crossbows, monks, nor mangonels nor counter raided with light cavs, EA worked. Didn’t work when the Hindustanis played a normal game.
exactly. That was hilarious. I think unranked Black forest TG players probably.
You should see that the person started his comments off by saying “just that noobs don’t know how to use them” instead of saying how he has been successful. His build order or opening strategy in feudal age or castle age, what were his opponent civs, what strategy they used, what maps did he play etc. Your point stands valid, but it was just funny to see someone make an extremely unusual statement like that.
Answer is 10 time harsh than this first comment. Other guy @SMUM15236 for instance said that “It is the exact opposite. It is a civ for noobs to stomp other noobs.” which is normal answer for this comment. On the other hand, saying “What alternate dimension is this What game are you guys playing?” by @PlumpDucklin means " you are idiot" which is direct harrasment.
That’s just your perception. @SMUM15236’s comment and the original comment can also be viewed as offensive. Those comments can also easily be perceived as “you’re noobs and thats why you don’t know how to use them” or “Opposite, you’re noob and you’re using them to kill other noobs”.
I guess a sarcastic comment might have been unnecessary there but I don’t think it was ill-intentioned.
Harassment from a comment on the forums, omg, what would you do in the real world with real people? Call the police 24/7 for everything? I really see no insult in that comment and Bengalis still suck big times.
Thanks for explaining the difference between arena and RF to someone who has like this 2k games on closed maps. This was heavy misplay by villese. Complete throw. Pretty obvious if have you have any idea of how to play arena. Was stated several times in the tourney later on btw. But yeah because you have a personal grudge towards bengalis, it has to be civ sure 11
When is the new PUP patch? I cant wait for chacking of bengalis or elephant civs remain the same ಠ﹏ಠ
I’ve been using Bengalis on Arena lately and I’ve been kicking ass.
Elephant archers are pretty hard to stop in big numbers and adding halbs/siege to compliment them is easy.
The buffed monks have been amazing - I’m converting scouts left and right, I’m taking so many relics…
They are not a bad race - people just suck at playing with it.