Bengalis is the worst civ out of the 4 new ones

100% agree. The Bengalis are a very fun civ but the problem is their tech tree. I don’t agree with giving them Knights, but I do think they should at least maybe get Hussar. I don’t mind that they’re very much focused on 3 units, but I think that if they’re going to do that, those units should at least be better. As FurtherLime said, maybe a Paiks buff, but I wouldn’t want them to outshine the Khmer too much.

This will be irrelevant and absolute waste in 99% of the situation. Rest 1% of the situation like in Sacred Springs they will be almost as broken as old Indians.

Why are people asking for food bonuses for this civ anyway? Don’t they know what villagers cost?

47 food x47x47x47x47x47x47x47

99%? You think people only play DA and BF maps? 11

When you have a lot of rathas, xbow army will be in one big group. Once opponent sees a lot of army from you, he’s not going to split xbows like that. Before your castle is up, the xbow army will be in 2-3 smaller groups trying to break in, harass woodlines and kill vills but not afterwards. The only time he’d do something like that is when he wants to switch out of that crossbows into something else.

Like I said before, the xbow player will attack before you have enough rathas and then later either add knights or camels or just go imp if he already has enough xbows. There’s no “whole” castle age. 1 tc imp comes in around 32-35 mins with the standard 1 range feudal, wall and then play xbows in castle age meta. And this is the minimum time you need to make 30+ rathas with all upgrades if you’re also doing the standard meta play (21 min castle age, 23 mins castle, 20 sec/ratha * 30 = 10 mins). So if both the ratha and xbow player play the meta, there’s going to be no significant loss in xbow numbers.

yes, 39 civs against pure ratha play. Atleast 30 civs when you have a mix of rathas and something else.

What is DA?

There are shore fish in BF. So change it to 97% vs 3%. Bengalis is already at least A tier in TG BF, can be even S tier, and with your proposed bonus they will be unnecessarily broken there. And rest 97% of the maps, they will stay the same.

DA is Dry Arabia in case other people also referred to Arabia as such.

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Which is precisely why from mid game playing xbow vs rathas id bad. Being in one group means bengali player adds mango and xbows have to retreat. So you basically give up the initiative up until your imp. And doing that when going fast imp is dangerous as you want to keep map control as long as possible (you’ll be pressured at home soon enough).

Had rathas vs archers couple of time and to me feels really strong. Like a version of mangudai that is slower but also more tanky. Doesn’t perform as well vs knights but does a lot better vs archers and is simply the better unit late game (except vs siege ofc).

Knights get countered by rathas. That’s why the unit is so good. It’s a counter to most common gold units. And camels you need large ball. You need to go full camels here. Adding couple of camels to xbow does nothing.

Have you actually played the unit or do you just claim stuff? You don’t need full upgrades to engage xbow. Once you get decent numbers you’ll easily win vs xbow. You don’t need to wait til opponent hits imp to mass.

That’s just simply wrong and at this point there’s no need to discuss further I guess. Time will tell.

Burmese is often not played as an elephant civ on open maps, despite the designation. Not even often seen for Khmer. Bengalis *only have elephants. A stronger food bonus is needed, or better military bonus.

Otherwise it’s just another bland knight/light cav spamming civ.