Best Very Late Game Civ?

It does help that they’ll be pop capped at 210 though, and they stay close to that cap constantly with how fast their halbs are reproduced. That said they aren’t the civ I’d want.

meh halbs are produced pretty fast no matter what. still missing the last armor upgrade hurts them significantly.

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I’ve seen people saying Byzantine are good in trash war, but imho unit discount doesn’t have a lot of impact at that point of the game when Food and Wood levels are by the thousands.
Faster production for a better turnover and/or superior stats for better population efficiency is much more important.

Are you sure about that? Or did you mean Ring Archer Armor and not Bracer?


I also think hussars with no bloodline hurts.

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I don’t think that civ with good trash units are always the best ones late game.

What makes the difference most of the times is how efficient is the civ of making use of scarce gold sources. 2 kind of civ comes to mind:

  • Civs with strong (and mobile) ranged + good trash or low gold intensive meat shield (and with raiding potential) options. This combo allows to have low turnover on gold units, banking up gold and outlasting the opponent reproducing the few gold units lost (maybe with a bit of market and relics help). Example are mongols, tatars, magyars and… Surprise surprise turks (which most people consider a terrible late game civ, i disagree assumig you get there in a decent position and depending on the matchup too)
  • Civs with strong low-intensive gold units (infantry, siege rams, ecc) that can possibly deal with enemy gold ranged units. Goths are absolute best in this department, celts and slavs belong here too.

In general I think that a good late game civ is a civ that “you’re unlikely to run out of gold before your opponent” with, that can win the game in the timespan while it have gold units on the field while opponent doesn’t.

Of course having one or maybe two good trash units is necesarry, having all three it’s sometimes redundant because you rarely need/want to tech into everything, it’s generally more important how trash tech tree sinergize with gold options of the civ.

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I meant “I checked the wiki but remembered/said it wrong”. Thanks for the correction.

I didn’t even check for that. Civs with no bloodlines barely exist is my mind.

I like cavalry… :woozy_face:

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Haha yeah same, of course the Frank’s don’t have bloodline either :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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After looking a bit at it I found 2 civs I would consider the best overall at Trash War.

Saracens : every tech available for trash units, only lacking the Halb upgrade. Also FU Champ and Siege Onager with SE. Lower Market taxes for extra Gold is a net plus.

Bulgarians : fully upgraded trash except for last archer armor. Arguably one of the best Light Cav with Stirrups. No Champ but FU 2HS with extra MA offset that. Again, Siege Onager with SE.

Those civs have above average trash units as well as strong complements with the Militia line and the Onager, making them very flexible in Trash War. I didn’t count Malay in, for obvious reasons. Now out of the 2 I’d choose the Bulgarians as the best of the 2 for having the best trio of trash I found.

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