I have played this game since the vanilla release almost entirely with my friend in 2v2 games.
I think it would be really cool to see much more strong team cards in the game to make team games different in a big way. The Dutch card in age 1 that sends TEAM 1 market wagon and age 1 market upgrades for free is a great example because you wouldn’t send it in a 1v1 because it wont help you age up nearly as fast as sending 3 vills BUT if you and your team mate both get it, it becomes a great card.
That’s what I would like to see, lots of great team cards not good enough to send in 1v1 but great in 2v2, the Aztecs Team 3vills in age 2 is another decent example. Things like TEAM 400 wood might be worth considering over the 700 wood card etc.
I would even go as far as replacing the lesser used (never used) politicians with politicians that give benefits for the whole team.
The game seems to have gone away from team play, taking cards like team infantry train speed away from russia which is a shame but probably needed when you have civs like aztecs and inca in the game.
I think the key is making sure there isnt a way to create a really strong team rush but rather “greedy” options like the dutch market card.
I hope they look at doing something like this at some stage. It would make a great game so much better in my opinion.