Blitz Treaty

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Why does Britts get 10 mills and 3 estates in :zap:blitz-treaty, shouldnt it be the other way around?

In yesterday’s update, u did mention that–‘restricted Hanover alliance for Germans using the Prince-Electors card and the British Imperial politician providing 6 Drummers’.

BUT it turns out that the Hanover alliance for Germans just the same as before, while the British 6 Drummers were banned.
THX for the work, but maybe this is unfair.

Mexicans’ AGE IV card ‘San Marcos Fair’ doesn’t work as expected. In normal NR40 games, this card will ships u 21 cows which ignores the build limit at 35min/24 cows at 40min and so on.
Mexico’s economy is already nerfed in BLITZ, maybe there’s no need and no reason to nerf this card. See many cows work in Hacienda is a kind of enjoyment.

Thank you very much for your work and contribution, even if this card is not an important matter or meta in BLITZ. And I’m sorry to make that naive assumptions in my feedback which may bother u. I love this mod and glad to hear any improvement. THX again.

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