Bring back a reasonable grace period

I believe what I am suggesting is the following:

If at any point during the game a disconnect occurs, one time (and only once) the game will pause and wait a period of a few minutes to give the disconnected individual a chance to re-connect.

During this pause, the members of the dropped players team can vote to continue the game without the person, if they know he just raged quit or isn’t planning on returning.
If the player does not return, then the game continues per usual and the person is not able to re-join anymore.

I believe that this solution would solve disconnect problems without needing a grace period. Additionally, anyone who still "alt+F4"s at the beginning of the game will still lose ELO because they did not rejoin the game and it will keep playing without them after the few allotted minutes pass.

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not sure why this is so complicated, should be straight forward.

game has issue disconnecting players and need to be fixed, all other disconnects ie intentional or internet problem should lose elo rating and this should be non-negotiable. everyone come prepared to play and anyone who disconnects not by the game waste everyone’s time, thus punished by losing elo.

for team game, it sucks teammate losing elo and thats the way it should be, so people will actually understand and avoid playing with that player. perhaps a special queue like in dota2 for low priority, many people with disconnect issue play with others who have the same problems.

bump. Devs, please address this. It sucks to have your teammate be the last one without a checkmark in the loading screen; wait for the screen to load for 60 secs; get put in the game; instant resign by teammate, instant loss. You lose hard-won ELO with absolutely no reflection of a skill change (and vice versa for the winning team).

The solution is real simple. If your teammate resigns or drops in the first M seconds, and you resign within N seconds of that, only penalize the first one. (Or only penalize them for resigning if you wish.) M and N could both be 15, for example.

We had this, didnt work. Number of Exploiters > Crashers.

How does it get exploited?

There’s a long list of possibilities. Some you may find if you dig around the forum where players complained about it (which is why it got removed).
Players would leave minute 1 when:

  • they didnt like their spawn position,
  • their civ,
  • didnt like opponents civ,
  • their map,
  • lost a villager fight on Nomad,
  • they would send scouts forward to lame within the first minute and quit if they didnt find anything,
  • got lamed by above successfully,
  • check their allies and opponents Elo, Winrates and details on sites like and didnt like what they saw.

Punishing the “crasher” by him losing points is not a grace period for him, its actually a grace period for his teammates… So one person takes the hit and the rest of the team can rotate who is the “crasher”. Also how would his points be distributed to the other team? Losing points for not playing also influence matchmaking negatively.

Of course there are reasons to drop from a game you don’t like. I assume that’s what’s happening in most of these cases. Punishing the crasher is enough of a deterrent, imo. Rotating the crasher is still a loss and also, there are relatively few premades. But you could even treat premades differently from randoms, e.g. punish all members of a premade for dropping but only the first one in a random team, and that would solve the problem for most players, like myself. As for who receives, split them evenly among the other team — still 1/n times as bad as what it is now. It’s not that hard to address the edge cases. Bottom line is that you shouldn’t lose 1+ games of rating for absolutely no reason you could control.

Its called “Save and Exit” and not Grace Period, and it works, it always does like on Voobly

Your in the wrong decade if you plan on saving and exiting. Everybody plays on now and waits for the player down team to inevitably resign

Yeah because this game has gone ******* and the community has no dignity any more and cheats by picking civ all encouraged by the devs and people in charge of this game