Browse system is atrocious

Browse games feature is atrocious. Not only are 95% private lobbies, lot of times your lobby doesn’t show up and connecting fails. Once you join 1 lobby and leave, the whole system breaks and you have to restart game.

Following should be implemented:

  1. Fixes to lobbies not showing up and slow connecting
  2. Lobbies that haven’t changed out of default name shouldn’t show on top (They’re private anyways!)
  3. Filter out full lobbies and full lobbies shouldn’t show on top either
  4. Sort by ping
  5. Passworded games shouldn’t show up by default

    Posted picture shows what searching for lobbies looks like now. There are 0 lobbies I can join as all of these are “private games”, this continues for several pages. I can scroll down 5 pages to find a lobby that I can join, but even then it is probably in Australia/Korea/South America and is only for noobs.
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To add on to this, my filter settings should save.