Browse games feature is atrocious. Not only are 95% private lobbies, lot of times your lobby doesn’t show up and connecting fails. Once you join 1 lobby and leave, the whole system breaks and you have to restart game.
Following should be implemented:
- Fixes to lobbies not showing up and slow connecting
- Lobbies that haven’t changed out of default name shouldn’t show on top (They’re private anyways!)
- Filter out full lobbies and full lobbies shouldn’t show on top either
- Sort by ping
- Passworded games shouldn’t show up by default
Posted picture shows what searching for lobbies looks like now. There are 0 lobbies I can join as all of these are “private games”, this continues for several pages. I can scroll down 5 pages to find a lobby that I can join, but even then it is probably in Australia/Korea/South America and is only for noobs.