[Bug] Villager HP gets reset

That’s because “Monk” and “Monk with relic”, much like ‘villager’ and ‘villager building’ are two separate units. You practically (for stats purposes, because aggro works nonetheless) spawn in a new unit on the spot when you pick up a relic or build something with a villager. For your custom scenario to work, you need to add the variant units and write exception triggers for them (add the variant units to your data file with Advanced Genie Editor (warning: no SSL encryption)). I know it’s a hassle, but there’s no other way. Ask for help in the Aok heavengames discord if you don’t know how to.

Again, an exception as solution could be to modify any new civilian unit that pops up.

  1. Use Advanced Genie Editor to add the ‘villager building’ units to the data file, for all the civs.

  2. If you only have 1 of those supervils at any given time in you scenario, you can then include something along the lines of:

     Trigger 1: (enabled, not looping)
     COND: "Own Objects" | 1 villager
     EFFECT: apply modifier
     EFFECT: enable Trigger 2
     Trigger 2: : (disabled, not looping)
     COND: "Own Objects" | 1 villager building
     EFFECT: apply modifier
     EFFECT: enable Trigger 1

Mark this post as solution if this satisfies you as a solution to your issue. If you really want more vils per player, you’re going to have to come up with a more creative solution (like using variables to keep track of your supervils and change their hp accordingly)

Or you could consider the behavior a feature instead of a bug for your scenario. Vils become weak when they build, so make sure to protect them while they do. This would prevent abuse in the form of supervils sneaking inside enemy base to build without military support.