Building range indicators now in game

In the latest update, buildings that deal damage now can show their range by enable the option at the configuration menu.

As most of the players know, this isnt a new feature… we already had the option to suscribe to community mods that allow us to have that intel (Age of Mandala). Lots of players perceive this as a problem since the user “shouldnt” have that information. The difference now is that all players, the ones that didnt knew about this feature and the ones that already implement it, can easly use it.

I dont see how people consider this is groundbreaking and ruins the game, proceeding to deactivating this option but still use others as small trees, or identical trees. That mod let the player place easier a lumber camp and avoid gaps in their walls. Isnt that the same?
You could argue that walling isnt the same as knowing how to place a tower perfectly because this benefits certain civs (as koreans). But the importance of walling also change between civs (like Cummans with their bonus and booming) or also by the players approach. If a player is more agressive and doesnt wall… isnt in a disadvantage in comparison of the one that can spot rapidly any gap and prevent the attack?

What im trying to state is that any mod is in fair use or non. If the intel you can have of what is happeing in the game by optional features is unfair, all users should play in vanilla settings. If you want to use them, be okay with the idea that the other player can use many as it wants (huge boars, idle vills pointer, huge numbers, better grid mod, transparent overlay, etc).

Personally i only use the grid and range option with the small trees mod, and i know that the other player can be using 10 mods to help him but i m fine with it.