Buildings & Units Turn Invisible + Unselectable

Game Version:

  • Build (Launch & 11/17 Steam Versions)
  • Platform (Steam)


While playing a multiplayer match with friend, multiple buildings and units became invisible (both mine and the matching type for other players), which also made them unselectable, either by clicking where they were or box selecting. My other units and AI units could still interact with them but I couldn’t.

I was playing Vikings as P1 on a Team Islands map in a lobby I started.

When I reached Feudal age my mill dissapeared, my vills were still farming and walking to it but I couldn’t click on it or hotkey to it, I built a second one and there was no visible blueprint but when placed it would show the construction animation etc.

After this multiple other units and buildings started dissapearing, including stable, beserker, monk etc.

The only odd one was Galleons, where the sails were visible so I could still select and move them.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Start game (Empire Wars, Team Islands, Dark Age Start) as Vikings
  2. Advance to Fuedal
  3. Observe multiple buildings and units being invisible.

I didn’t think to take a screenshot but I will see what the replay looks like.