Burmese Manipur Cavalry Survey

However the old manipur cavarly effect was more "usefull"to gave an identity to the civ… with cavarly effective against Building (but lacking siete rams) and a good infantry they had a good late composition of mixed infantry and Cavarly (Elephant or cavalier + plus Champions needing Gold and Halhs+hussar as trash)…
Also arambais were nearly a must go unit for them while now they are more situational…

Possible changes for next PUP to keep in consideration (not all obviusly):

  • Manipur cavarly: +1/+2 against Archer and +2/+3 against Buildings (the smaller values for arambais and CA?)
  • Parthian tactics (+1/+2 armor and +2 against spear line) available for arambais but Elite arambais -1 Pierce armor
  • Infantry and Cavarly blacksmith armor upgrades are the same (ex. Remove barding armor, both cavarly and infantry got plate mail armor when researched)