Byzantine early 2 cistern build

Building 2 cistern network immediately in dark age outpaces any delayed cistern build in feudal. One would maybe think the the long distance mining vs the later free stone level 2 cistern build would be comparable? But maff says otherwise!!

So if you’re not going for an early 2nd TC, consider immediately setting up your 2nd cistern in dark age!

Next I notice ppl sending 4 even 5??? Villagers to long distance mine stone??? You only need to send 3 Villagers IFF

  1. you will build the 2 cisterns FIRST then the connection LAST
  2. The connection will be a straight line up to 20 stone.
  3. You will build an early mill or lumbercamp or 2nd mining camp.

Again that’s 5 buildings returning 8 stone each plus the 30 stone long distance mining plus the 100 cache stone for a gross of 170 stone (50 cistern + 100 cistern + 20 aqueduct).

Last point
When does the level 2 cistern pays off compared to a vanilla civ that just builds the standard buildings while collecting sheep and gold? The vanilla civ doesn’t have to build cisterns and aqueducts nor long distance mine, and i added that rhe vanilla civ builds their landmark with 4 vils meanwhile byz in this scenario builds with 5???

I calculated the return to be at 4:40 assuming you got the level 2 up at 2mins and assuming you’re collecting sheep, not berries.

Byz has this huge glaring weakness in its cystern system which has less to do with math and more to do with this building which has a highlighted number on it.

Its such an easy target for an enemy player. And without needing to scout theyll know how much is invested into cysterns by looking at the number. Destroying any 4th cistern is catastrophic in terms of loss.

Its hardly worth going beyond the 1st cistern anyway if its a game where workers will die early. Losing just 3 workers is catastrophic for a cistern heavy strategy as all the advantage over 2nd tc is lost.

Best take that perk of free stone and save up for a second tc, and if the game goes long the cisterns will create a neverending boom in imperial