Building 2 cistern network immediately in dark age outpaces any delayed cistern build in feudal. One would maybe think the the long distance mining vs the later free stone level 2 cistern build would be comparable? But maff says otherwise!!
So if you’re not going for an early 2nd TC, consider immediately setting up your 2nd cistern in dark age!
Next I notice ppl sending 4 even 5??? Villagers to long distance mine stone??? You only need to send 3 Villagers IFF
- you will build the 2 cisterns FIRST then the connection LAST
- The connection will be a straight line up to 20 stone.
- You will build an early mill or lumbercamp or 2nd mining camp.
Again that’s 5 buildings returning 8 stone each plus the 30 stone long distance mining plus the 100 cache stone for a gross of 170 stone (50 cistern + 100 cistern + 20 aqueduct).
Last point
When does the level 2 cistern pays off compared to a vanilla civ that just builds the standard buildings while collecting sheep and gold? The vanilla civ doesn’t have to build cisterns and aqueducts nor long distance mine, and i added that rhe vanilla civ builds their landmark with 4 vils meanwhile byz in this scenario builds with 5???
I calculated the return to be at 4:40 assuming you got the level 2 up at 2mins and assuming you’re collecting sheep, not berries.