Camel Rider line upgrades needs to be changed

Heavy camel upgrade is fine, yes it is overly cheap compared to things like Halb upgrade but thats because camels are gold units only good against cavalry.

I do however agree that Imperial camels need a buff considering Id take Malians as a camel civ everytime over Indians: +1 melee armor, +1 atk, -20 hp, less investment, cavalier option and Malian light cav > indian hussar.

Imperial Camels are OP enough for TGs and sorry your suggestions just make this unit poorly designed, -20 HP lol

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Its not a suggestion, its comparison to Malian heavy camels. My suggestion would be to give them +1 melee armor (to return some of the power from -1/-1 armor nerf)

They were maybe OP in TG before…when they had 1 more p. armor…now imp camel is basically more expensive zealotry or farimba camel…They have the best camels in castle age…but imp. camels for its price is just worse farimba/zealotry camel…

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