Campaign Koreans

You forgot Vlad Dracula.

Because Persians, Magyars and Lithuanians don’t use Knights?

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you could have that with a Lithuanian campaign too.

Vlad Dracula is a Slav campaign.

The French invented Knights.

East Asian civilizations, Byzantines and Persians used heavy cavalry before the Franks.

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Dracula should be converted to strictly a Slav campaign, and frankly you only play magyars twice.
we literally have 8 combined missions (off the top of my head) where you play french.

also the el cid campaign should be changed to a spanish only campaign as well.

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I always liked the idea of changing up the player civi.

You couldn’t be more wrong.

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if it was balanced all the way around that would be one thing. but it isn’t. we have some civs who rarely show up and only have 1-3 total missions between campaigns and battles where they are used and then we got some that have 8 times being used.

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There’s a lot more to Knights than wearing tons of armor and charging into battle and that thing would be the chivalric code of honour. And you’re Hungarian so why would you defend east asian civilisations over Europe?

are you familiar with the cataphract?

lol yeah and you know how often they broke those codes? pretty much it came down to “whenever they dang wanted too”

also you think other civilizations didn’t have their own codes for their people about honor and what not? your post in the samurai thread literally proves they did.

I love the French, Japanese and the British.

You’re right about that.

I would’ve expected better from them, I myself would risk my life in order to save a person if it came down to it.

okay well guess what. 2 of those are already very well reprsented in single player stuff.

how about giving those civs that don’t have 6+ missions a chance to enjoy the limelight

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You’re right but they really should do some French campaigns after they have given everyone else a campaign.

koreans have at least a historical battle, civs like lithuanians should get a campaign

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And the Korean historical battle is the most memorable one of all the historical battles.

That’s interesting.